I have read many many web stories on battery drain in my 2002 ford thunderbird (purchased it 3 weeks ago). It has only 25,000 miles on it and it appears to have a new battery - it is a
Motorcraft and looks new and has a small sticker on it with just 9/20 - perhaps a date. My battery drained in about 3 days without usage. I purchased the necessary tools (
multimeter, etc.) and went about testing the system by establishing a baseline drain in amperes and then pulling out all the fuses, one by one, until I could see a reduction in battery drain. I finally found some in the rear trunk fuse box: fuses 23, 24, 27, 32 and relays 001, 002, 004, 005 all showed battery drain (each went from a baseline of .710A to .570A with the fuse out). I am uncertain as to what a "relay is" so not sure what that means, but if I just look at the fuses 23,24, 27, and 32, I would lose about .14 amps per circuit or .56 in total. If I corrected these problems, I would be left with about .15A or 150MA 0 still high I's told, but not severe.
My next step was to consult the fuse box diagrams to see what circuits were a problem. I was expecting to see
radio, or lights, etc., but did not. All of the fuses and relays are for circuits labeled SSP (SSP1, 2, 3, 4 Fuses, and 1,2,3,4 Relays)
Can anyone assist me? How do I treat relays vs fuses? And what is an SSP circuit and how might I proceed?
Thx in advance for any help.