Anyone on here ever replaced the upper front
control arms, watched some videos on similar vehicles (jaguars, lincolns, etc) and they say you have to release the
struts to get the bolts out for the arm.
Phil, last year when I replaced the front end on my Bird, I replaced the
struts too, so I just tore it all out. Don't or can't remember if you can take upper arms without removing
struts. I know one thing - I hope I never have to see the front end of that car again.
🙂 LOL I probably made the job harder than what is was, and I did have a mechanic buddy come by and give me some tips, but that is the last vehicle I hope to work on, it just convinced me I'm too old (mid 60s) to be out laying on driveway, undercar having flies bite, mosquitoes flying around, heat... Now if I had a nice climate controlled garage with lift where I could stand up, I might try working on em again.
I can remember things from my youth that don't matter like Mickey Mantle's life time batting average (.298), HR total (536), Willie Mays' HR total (660), etc.. but stuff that is useful - like how to remove the mower from my riding mower - I have to look at a manual EVERY time, even though I do it a couple of times a year and been doing it for last 15 years I still can't remember. How to remove
upper control arms - sorry but I'm no help even though I did it once, I have no clue anymore. If it wasn't for youtube videos I wouldn't know how to get through the day anymore.
sorry I could help