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Throttle Body Pandemic of Ford Makes

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I've been out on some other Ford customer forum Sites and this Throttle Body problem is pandemic throughout various models of Ford cars, from Mustangs to F150's, Escapes, Lincoln's ... you name it.

On another Ford owners forum they are logging compalints not only to Ford Customer Satisfaction but also to, these guys are key to log a safety complaint with as they are the strongarm for getting Car makers to institute and carry forth car recalls.

I just one logged one on www.nhtsa.goc for my 04 Thunderbird as I was nearly rear-ended on the highway when this decelaration into limp mode occured. Look for the link for recalls, complaints and follow the steps, pretty easy and takes 5 minutes.

I know it is pain to log this stuff but this is out of hand and Ford needs to be called to the mat on this one!
Looking for the number to call Ford directly and log a complaint as well.

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I know of other TBirders that have posted there as well in the past 3 years but nothing ever came of it - But, people should keep posting anyway. Thanks
I wanted to post an update on my so called"throttle body" issue...on Thursday I had them replace a throttle sensor as my service codes were P2106, P2135, internal vacum failure inside throttle portion

I picked the car up and I barely got off the lot when it went into limp mode and declarated to a halt, again dangerous as I was trying to get out of traffic when this happened. I turned the car off and then back on and pulled back into the service bay.

At this point I am insistent that they check the TSB's that george had supplied for us on "COPs".

I phone the next day, this past Friday and their Custoemr Satisfaction rep tells me that the car was indeed misfiring and they replaced one cylinder and one spark plug so far but wanted to do more testing. They put me in a rental car for the weekend. I even asked the Cust. Sat rep if the engine had logged CO codes when it had gone into limp mode and she told me yes. she did not tell me which CO codes were thrown though....

Thaks for responding George!
So I am now wondering, pondering if COP's problems lead to bad Throttle bodies??? I just can't figure out why they are so quick to push this(throttle body) as the service fix. Is it because Throttle bodies are not covered(unless you purchased Ford's extended warranty) as the COPs problem is coverd by 07M07 & 07N09, thus they can charge for a throttle body fix where as they make no money on a COPs reapir???

Has anyone had the COPs problem along with a Throttle body issue?
those folks that had their Throttle body replaced after the limp home condition, has it solved your problem?

A bunch of folks are waiting for Throttle bodies but I'm not sure this is the right fix????

Let me give the dealer a call as I have not heard from them since Friday....
Just got off the phone with ford 2 minutes ago and it was indeed COPs issue.
Cyliner 6 was bad and they replaced the sparkplug. They are giving it somemore orad testing but so far so good.

My only concern is how the Coil got contaminated as TSB 07M07 & 07N09 attribute damaged Coils to either an oil, aulty Valve cover gaskets, or water leak from the Water Management System. What is a Water managment system????

They told me they found no oil nor any water in the Coil wells...still worry this was a water leakage and that living here in a very dry Palm Springs that the evidence of any water damage may have evaporated.

Anyway, those of you waiting on a Throttle may want to push them to look at your COPs system. I almost waited on a Throttle body(not available until late February)at a total cost of 1000.00 parts & labor when it was indeed COPs.
Good luck everyone!
I will post the CO codes that my car threw when I get them from the service manager.
Good for you Shirley. Stick to your guns and glad to help....That's what the forum is all about. So you should get out for $0.00 right???
Note I have not heard of COPS affecting throttle bodies, but some have had both issues.
You mentioned oil and water damage. If they found oil they would have had to replace you valve cover gaskets, ands of course ithat would be covered by warranty.
And, you mentioned water....There is an issue of water getting in from the windshield wiper motor which is on the paassenger side. I'll see if I can find that document for you.

Edit. I just found it. TSB 5-16-2 If you want a copy PM me your email address, since I've filled up my quota here for attachments.
You would see on the TSB that the O-Ring warps and allows water in. The fix from Ford is to replace that.
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Hi George,

email me at
So I pressed the service rep to check the Windsheild motor assembly, at first she had them check the windsheild washer reservoir. I saiid, no, it is the windshield wiper assembly unit.

Guess what, she just vcalled back and said I wwas correct again and this was replaced. So this was what was leaking and damaging my coils.

The 2003's did have a valve cover gasket problem but the 04's addressed this or at least that is what all of your information pointed out so I kne this damage had to occur because of water damage.

So now I'm working on getting back the 300.00 plus in Throttle sensor parts & Repair that I paid for last Thursday as that was not the problem

The codes that come off the computer before they determined it was COPs:
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Great for you. I'l get that TSB right off to you😎
throttle body

I took my 2003t to the dealer on Feb 9 and am still waiting on a throttle body! they paid for a rental for a couple of weeks but now I'm on my own - they don't expect the part until April 1st! The dealer rep told me it was a "personal problem"! I called customer service and got no🙁where and then called corporate headquarters and asked for the executive VP... of course he did not take the call... but was again told NO... I've written letter to the editor to the Detroit paper and Dallas and Ft.Worth (I live in the DFW area). I even picketed the Dallas Auto Show last weekend. Someone from the 'auto' section of the Dallas paper is 'looking into it' for me... so we'll see. I got the names and address of all the board of directors at Ford and they're next! I think that Ford should have parts available in a reasonable timeframe. I'm sick about it because I love my t-bird - now I don't know if I even need the darn throttle body... but I am not 'car smart'.
There's enough info to suggest that, that may not be your problem.....but lets hope it is, so you can enjoy the Bird.
However, do your homework now, in case you need it.
Best of luck and keep us informed.
throttle body

thanks for the support.... I've been feeling pretty alone. For anyone interested..... I googled - Ford Motor Company Annual Report - and got the telephone number of corporate headquarters and a list of all the executives. 😡
I found someone else on a forum that had Throttle body issues. This may give you some confidence, here's what they had to say:

We took the bird to Hollister to Tiffany Ford this past Tuesday 9. Although the codes were cleared they listened to us and looked at the bird and the TSB we had in hand. They ordered the TPS which our local dealer told us wouldn't be available until March 15.
It arrived the next day. The bird stumbled and died 3 times on the way home that Tuesday leaving not only the wrench light, but also the check engine light. We returned today, Friday 12 with codes to read. The TPS was changed and the PCM was reprogrammed to read the new part. The trip home was swift and uneventful. This should take care of it. Time will tell.
COPS can cause false throttle body error codes

I meant to update the list on this so information, sorry for the delay.
The shop foreman at my Ford/Lincoln explained to me that when the cylinder misfires and becasue the Throttle body Assembly is right near this area it can cause false throttle boddy error codes to be thrown,SO PLEASE, PLEASE, get the COPs info that george has provided us all and make your dealer test for COPs before you pay for a 1000.00 Throttle Body Assembly replacement.

He also told me that sometimes when the cylinder misfires there is no engine error codes thrown at all which has made this a diffcilut problem to diagnose and replace.
Godd luck everyone!
Did you ever get a refund for the throttle body you didn't need, or at least the old parts back????? Or maybe you're still after them....
Your persistency paid off and now they're listening to you. That's great

Patrica: How did you make out? Was it really COPS? Sounds like your story is the same as Shirleys.

By the way, I prefer and use a Lincoln dealer.....Ford dealers know nothing about these cars because all the drive train is Lincoln LS and the Lincoln's have had similar issues and as I hear, recalls

Why don't Ford dealers know? Because the 2002-2005 Thunderbirds are the only Ford products that uses Lincoln drive trains and they are different than any other car offered in the Ford product lines, FYI.
Glad I'm not alone!

My ETB went out Thanksgiving of last year. After having the car for a month and paying for my own rental, I was able to locate a used ETB and take it to the dealership. This was just before New Year's, and they installed the part I brought them and gave me the old one back. A day later, the car went in limp mode again, but after driving a little bit and bringing the engine up to temp, it ran fine. I had to take it back in and they did something with the processor that links up to the ETB, and it's been fine since. I think they did a rush job when they installed the part I brought them, and then kept blaming it on the fact that it was a used part. I am still very frustrated and will be voicing my complaints everywhere I can. A service tech at the dealership I bought the car from said the problem with the supply of ETB's was due a redesign of the part, taking it from a heated element to a nonheated element. It sounds to me that Ford knew there was a problem, but decided it didn't rise to the level of a recall or payment.
I found someone else on a forum that had Throttle body issues. This may give you some confidence, here's what they had to say:

We took the bird to Hollister to Tiffany Ford this past Tuesday 9. Although the codes were cleared they listened to us and looked at the bird and the TSB we had in hand. They ordered the TPS which our local dealer told us wouldn't be available until March 15.
It arrived the next day. The bird stumbled and died 3 times on the way home that Tuesday leaving not only the wrench light, but also the check engine light. We returned today, Friday 12 with codes to read. The TPS was changed and the PCM was reprogrammed to read the new part. The trip home was swift and uneventful. This should take care of it. Time will tell.

And, here's the part numbers they got to resolve their problem:

"The part #6L2Z-9B989-C. No charge under extended warranty.
Reprogramming PCM Per T.S.B. 05-14-04 $125.00 for labor.
Deductible: $100.00. $225.00 and out the door.
846 miles and a month later it has been running flawlessly. I was wondering also about the availability stories of the TPS. They had it the next day." Hope this helps someone out there. This guy is in CA
has anyone noticed that the '02 tbirds have the least amount of issues discussed in this forum. i (wife's) had an' 03 and it was so problematic that i sold it. i have an '02 with 40,000 miles and it keeps going with no issues, (hope i haven't jinxed myself). i went through the cops thing with the '03, cd player problems, air conditioner etc.
Just to clarify, I did not have a Throttle Body System installed. I first had them replace the throttle body SENSOR, much less expensive but still 300.00
and the car went into Limp mode as I droive it off the lot from service.
Yes, Ford repair claimed that there were Throttle body error codes thrown when the car went into limp mode and I got the wrench light.

After It died AGAIN, while leaving the Ford service center, I insisted they test for COPs and they ran the diagnostics and this was indeed the problem. Again, as explained to me by the Ford shop foreman, when the cylinder misfires it occurs near the location of the Throttle body which causes false error codes and might be why they are reading Throttle Body codes off the cars computer and telling everyone this is a Throttle Body issue.

I'm really not a big, "Conspiracy theory" person but the COPs fix is free to customers, meaning Ford makes no money off of the customer and it ties up Ford Repair ... I am thinking that they are charging for Throttle Body replacements as a way of recapturing money lost from performing the COPs work. Whether they actually tell you they did the COPs fix or not, so I am thinking they are doing the COPS repair on a lot of your cars, maybe not even telling you and then actually telling customers, It is a throttlebody and making a good 1000.00 off the customer.

Too many people have had the Throttle Body system replaced, left or attempted to leave the dealer and the car went right into limp mode, I'm betting those cars got a COPs fix as the next service and you are beig told it was something related to Throttle body. Think about it, otherwise the repair shop would be reimbursing you for a false throttle body fix.

That is my Ford conspiracy theory :]
Limp Mode again!!!

My 2004 Tbird had throttle body issues in the fall. After being without my car for months and paying for my own rental car (thank Ford) I finally got the issue addressed. Now, less than six months later, my car went into limp mode again. I came very close to getting rear ended on a 50 mph street and barely made it home. I love my car, but I think this is the last straw.
Sounds exactly like COPS, coil on plugs, to me😡 And you're covered up to 100,000 miles for just that
I agree with George, you have a COPs issue. Print out the ford documentation that George has placed on this website and walk into the service dealer and get the service manager and demand they run the COPs test.

I've posted about this before, as I was much like the half dozen other owners who was trying to be sold a Throttle Boddy system(close 1K) as the repair for Limp mode.
PLEASE, PLEASE demand the COPs test be run before you agree to paying 800-1000.00 for a Throttle Body System

I let them talk me into replacing the Throttle Body Sensor(300.00) and the car died(limp mode) as I left the parking lot. So PLEASE - Demand the COPs test. Unless of course you feel like donating 1K to your local Ford service shop.

Lastly, the shop foreman pulled me off to the side and told me that he contacted his friend at the Lincoln service shop nearby and was told that this COPs problem can be related to a "Heat" issue, not sure if he meant the heat coming off of the engine itself ... thus even after repaired this could could happen to all of us again.

Good luck!
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