2002-05 Is no hardtop an issue? | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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2002-05 Is no hardtop an issue?

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Thunderbird Year
I’m looking to buy my first Thunderbird, a 2003 model that is in excellent condition, 45k miles. It doesn’t have the removable hardtop. I’m planning on driving it in warm weather as a convertible.

I know this is personal preference, but how often do owners use the hardtop, would I miss not having it? Would you buy without it?

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Moved to the general forum. This post does not go in the for sale forum as you've already found the car.
Its pretty much personal preference. It seems people in the southern states rarely use one. I'm in the greater Chicago area and rarely use the hardtop because I rarely drive it in the winter. Having said that, most would agree that with the hardtop on it is a much better looking vehicle than the raised soft top - some even prefer the hardtop on even vs the top down. If yours would have been a daily driver in cold weather states I would think you'd prefer the hardtop on during winter. BTW, a hardtop from any year will fit any year auto.
Putting the hardtop on and removing it repeatedly is really not fun; you risk scratching, even minor denting; storing the hardtop also is not fun; no it won’t fit in the closet or under the bed, etc. I like my 2003 best when the top is down; my 67 Vette only had one top; that was also a great machine. Of course it’s a matter of preference and possibly if these cars ever go big time in the collector market, then of course the top could be an additional asset. Possibly you can let the seller keep the top and get a lower price and use the savings for possible maintenance and future repairs which will undoubtedly be needed. Good luck, enjoy this roadster personal luxury machine.
Putting the hardtop on and removing it repeatedly is really not fun; you risk scratching, even minor denting; storing the hardtop also is not fun; no it won’t fit in the closet or under the bed, etc. I like my 2003 best when the top is down; my 67 Vette only had one top; that was also a great machine. Of course it’s a matter of preference and possibly if these cars ever go big time in the collector market, then of course the top could be an additional asset. Possibly you can let the seller keep the top and get a lower price and use the savings for possible maintenance and future repairs which will undoubtedly be needed. Good luck, enjoy this roadster personal luxury machine.
Never had a hardtop and don’t miss having one. I think they would be just a pain. I live in Oregon and although I’ve driven it in the rain just to see how waterproof (dry as a bone) I really only drive it on dry days. ENJOY! Sorry, wrong quote. Meant to quote TomD
I winter store the '03 with the hard top on to free up garage space. It's September now and I have yet to get the hard top of because of the usual reasons, takes up space, need help, possible scratching. Hoping to get it off this week at least for a month or so. I seems silly to even have it if it doesn't run in the cold weather but it came with the car so.......
I have a 2002 that was sold new, hardtop delete, with $2500 credit. I sold my 57 Bird which only had a hardtop which I never took off because in Florida you never know when it's going to rain. Why buy a convertible if you always have a hardtop with you? Remember, 98% of all convertibles never had a hardtop available. Enjoy the wind in your hair!
I will preface my remarks by saying it does boil down to personal likes and dislikes. Having said that I find it refreshing to occasionally put on the hardtop to give it a true retro look and it does look quite nice with the top on. I also put the top on and off when I take it to car shows just to present a different look now and then. It has become so much easier to remove and put on the hardtop since I invested in a hoist system by Top Hoist. I love it. I can remove and put back on my hardtop in about ten to 15 minutes now completely by myself. It also frees up garage floor space as the top is suspended above the floor when not in use. Good luck and happy motoring which ever way you decide to go, I love my Bird with or without a hat.
It's personal preference thing . I drive mine everyday all year long rain or shine. I put the hardtop on in winter because it rains so much for about 3 or 4 months here in in Louisiana, but the rest of the year I store it in the garage on hoist system. Just a little quieter with hardtop on but I got it for the open air driving. Can't go wrong either way, I say get the car and if you want or need hardtop get one later.
just two things to consider,obviously first is your preference. and 2nd is where you live. year round mild climate most tend to not put top back on at all because any day is possible for top down driving. in cold climate winter areas those that don't park their birds for the winter like the extra warmth and comfort of the hard top on. in the hot summer climates many use the top in the summer months so the AC is more effective and the soft top gets less sun beating down on it.(of course there are always exceptions in both winter and summer as people are different. you actually have an advantage in that you can figure out weather you want a hardtop later. if you dont ,great if you do all is good they can be found for 900-1500 and any year will fit..............enjoy your bird now, decide later
IMG_3227.JPG IMG_4046.JPG
just two things to consider,obviously first is your preference. and 2nd is where you live. year round mild climate most tend to not put top back on at all because any day is possible for top down driving. in cold climate winter areas those that don't park their birds for the winter like the extra warmth and comfort of the hard top on. in the hot summer climates many use the top in the summer months so the AC is more effective and the soft top gets less sun beating down on it.(of course there are always exceptions in both winter and summer as people are different. you actually have an advantage in that you can figure out weather you want a hardtop later. if you dont ,great if you do all is good they can be found for 900-1500 and any year will fit..............enjoy your bird now, decide later
I bought one of these cockpit covers so I can park it with the top down at work, and whip it off when it's time to drive, the cover also fits over the hard and soft tops too. IMG_4045.JPGIt's from roadstersolutions.com.
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I’m looking to buy my first Thunderbird, a 2003 model that is in excellent condition, 45k miles. It doesn’t have the removable hardtop. I’m planning on driving it in warm weather as a convertible.

I know this is personal preference, but how often do owners use the hardtop, would I miss not having it? Would you buy without it?
No we wouldn't we did look at one that didn't have a hardtop we like the windows on the hardtop and we like driving it with the hardtop on and probably will in the spring &w fall when the weather is too cool for a top down I know you can drive with the convertible top up but we feel it's look is classier with the hardtop on it. But you are 100% correct it is a personal choice.
I bought the car after convincing my wife (now deceased) she did not need a back seat because the grandkids never went with her any way. She insisted I find one with a hardtop and it had to be silver ( took several months and it was a 6-7 hour drive each way). The car does look much better with the hardtop and having an electric hoist is worth every penny as it eliminates the possibility of damage.
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I bought the car after convincing my wife (now deceased) she did not need a back seat because the grandkids never went with her any way. She insisted I find one with a hardtop and it had to be silver ( took several months and it was a 6-7 hour drive each way). The car does look much better with the hardtop and having an electric hoist is worth every penny as it eliminates the possibility of damage.

Where did you get your electric hoist, bobk250? Thanks, in advance, for the info...
My Mountain Shadow Gray HT is for sale as I drive top down wherever possible. Hardtop looks great for the one month a year I drive it with it one.

Many many members have taken their hardtops off and have never put them back on.