Why did you buy your Thunderbird | Page 2 | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models

Why did you buy your Thunderbird

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Male, Architect, 46 years old (almost said 43 - losing track). Grew up in a household with a beautiful red (like my T-Bird) 63-1/2 Galaxie convertible with a T-Bird engine. Dad test drove a few early 60's T-Birds before buying that car. So, Ford household.

FF 33 years: midlife crisis hits; serious drive to be magnificent. I'm an Architect; I should be surrounded with beautiful things, and project a sense of style - my clothes, my food, my friends, my house, my music. (Last push before the grim reaper moves in next door I suppose)... I'm exercising like Kevin Spacey in American Beauty, taking gymnastics lessons in an adult class with U.W. cheerleaders fer crissakes (honest), painting, playing double bass, working on projects in Japan, Singapore, and the UK - and then the T-Bird comes out. It is American (showcasing the best in American design - important to me, working for overseas clients), as magnificent as my midlife aspirations, but with roots as old as my childhood.


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I am 34 and have bought 6 new cars since 1995, all Fords. My wife had decided that it was her turn, so I saved up to pay off my Explorer Sporttrac and buy her a new Audi A4. Alas, we separated and I suddenly had money for a new car. What do I want? I looked at the Audi TT, the BMW Z3 and the Porsche Boxster. I wasn't all that thrilled with any of them. They were OK, but common. I have always had a thing for uncommon cars. I had seen pictures of the Thundebird and I thought what the heck how about buying one of them. I went to look at them and was turned away by the first dealership. They said that they would not allow anyone to sit or drive them unless the dealership had a signed contract. I actually think they were discriminating based on age (I am 34, but look like I am in my early 20's.) I went to a another dealership and they let me at least sit in one. I decided even without a test drive to get. I have been happy ever since. This was the best impulse purchase I ever made. This is a daily driver and I have close to 17K miles on it.
Don't suppose my story is as romantic as the others.. my wife said no to the bird.. Now my ex lives in Texas. (honest to god) The day she moved out and to Texas, I flew to Utah, picked my car up and drove home to Colorado where my grandson (20 months) and I cruise the streets in my Triple Black "De Bird".. We have recorded George Straits song "All my Ex's Live in Texas" and we sing at the top of our lungs at the Sonic with the kids in Mustangs GT Coupes staring.. Oh yeah and its a great Chic magnet from 18 - 57..
Whats not to love...

Reason why? American Graffitti, Susanne Summers in a White T-bird..

2000 Honda Civic
2000 Honda Goldwing
91 Grand Prix 248K miles
92 Jetta 114K miles
76 Dodge 100 pickup (like my dog, heritage unknown)but a good dog anyway.

I'm old,
my dogs old
and my old wife is in Texas!!!
Saw pictures that dealer principal brought back from the 99 Detroit auto show. (yes I was working for a Ford deater then). Put a $1000 deposit down the the 1st of February 99. Order went in on 1-8-01. Car arrived at railhead on 8-16-01 but returned to Wixom on 9-3-01 and returned on 10-9-01 which was also the day I took delivery. Fell in love with the car at first sight. Plan on keeping 20-25 years. If it appreciates in valve great, if not it will be a fun car during those years. Also have put my name on the list for a 2005 bird. Will then have two in the nest. I was only 2 years old when the 55 came out (49 now). My parents bought a new baby blue 57 that I remember well. Have always liked the two seater birds. Bought a 88 Turbo Coupe and kept it for 7 years.

Yellow/Yellow Prem. 02 Bird w/full accent
1999 F150 Super Cab 4x4 Off Road
1998 Taurus SE Sport 24V
What a great idea to find out why people bought the Bird.
We had a 1956 and needed more work and money than we were willing to spend on it. Sold it a few years back. When the new ones came out we fell in love with it and bought it off ebay sight un-seen. Yellow/White top with the bumble bee interior. Love this vehicle and have more fun than ever in the 56. Husband and I are both 55 living in Cleveland, OH.
I am a 47 year old male, an electrician that had always wanted a black 55-57 tbird but was unable to find one i didnt have to do a lot to. i went to my dealership saw a new yellow one on the floor that was sold. but was told someone had just cancealled their blk blk prem with blk top. and was lucky enough to get it. Was able to buy it for sticker 8 days later it arrived it was mine.`love that car i belong to "the vintage tbird of kansas city "car club.(www.vtkc.com) have a lot of fun going to car shows with it and them placing a blk 55 on one side and a blk 57 on the other side we get a lot of looks. people really look it over.

Ive loved reading the responses. I can not believe how many of them I can relate to. I was 21 when the first 55 Tbird showed up. I thought that I liked the Corvette but the Tbird stole my heart and became my dream car. I thought it was a crime when Ford stopped making the 2 seater, since I hoped I would someday own one. To me, it was the most beatiful car ever made. I also felt I could relate to the TBird. I put all those dreams aside being married with children and having to use a sensible car for business, I could only dream.

When I heard that Ford was going to come out with a Retro Tbird my heart skipped a beat. When I saw one in the "flesh" at a small car show in Punta Gorda Fl I knew I had to have one. First I thought I'd wait a while and think about it.(my practial side). Then a light went off in my head. A voice said, "Your 68 - what the hell are you waiting for?)

My wife, who is 10 yrs younger, started making calls and within a week we found a blue Tbird that just came in and was not yet in their inventory. The next day we had it in our carport and have never looked back. At 68 Im going to drive it until its wheels fall off or until my wheels fall off. Thanks for asking.

The wife comments: I encouraged him to get the car. Felt we've worked hard all our lives and it this would make a dream come true, why not?

The day we picked the car up, we were driving down Rt. 41 in Ft. Myers, Fl. A car passed us and when we stopped at the next light, the driver held out a quickly written note "NICE CAR"! It was the icing ont he cake.

Of course the car is half mine, but I only have driven it for 5 minutes within our development. (Must be a guy thing!) Rest of the time, The Wiz drives us around the back roads of NJ and FL. Wiz tells me if I'm a good girl, maybe one day I can drive it. Guess I'll have a long wait!
I have a different reason for you.
I'm a 45 year old male. My family which consists of my wonderful wife of 25 yrs and two sons purchased a 67 t-brd and worked together restoring it and showing it off at car shows. My oldest son Ryan and I loved the 55 to 57 models and dreamed of restoring one in the future. Ryan and I fell in love with the 2002 when they were coming out, however we never got to drive or see one up close together.

Ryan was killed by a drunk driver in March of this year. Several weeks ago my wife and I were in a dealership looking for a car for my wife and ran across a 2002 t-brd on the showroom. IT was then we decided to purchase our T-brd Blue 2002 in Ryan's memory and loaded it up as Ryan wanted. We know that he's smiling and riding with us as we drive it.

ryan's t-brd
I was hoping I'd get to tell my story...As the saying goes...Let the Stories Begin.

I just took delivery of my blue 2002 on Monday, Sept. 30. It was also the first I knew I was getting it! The story actually begins the Saturday before when my husband went to a local Ford dealer with a $2000 coupon for a higher trade-in. We were thinking about trading in our 1997 Explorer for a newer one. My husband came home and said he bought a silver 2002 Explorer and we could pick it up on Monday. He went to his job on Monday morning and about noon he called me from the bank where he was getting the cashier check for the vehicle. He confessed he did not really buy a new Explorer on Saturday and wanted to surprise me, but then thought he'd better discuss it with me first. Suddenly the reason his stomach was in knots all weekend became evident and I told him so. But of course there was no way I'd pick a new Explorer over a new blue Thunderbird convertible! I never even rode in a convertible before and now this gorgeous car was going to be mine. We would be without a true "winter vehicle" again in Michigan but what the heck. My 1987 Cougar XR7 would have to be the "bad weather" car now and if it snowed too much for the Cougar, we'd just stay home until they plowed our street. (The other car is a 1997 Corvette coupe so not exactly a winter driver either.) But I am so excited about this gorgeous car and drove all around on Tuesday in the beautiful weather. It's been raining ever since and I'm itching to go out driving again. PLEASE! SOMEONE STOP THE RAIN!!!

Debi in MI
2002 T-Bird blue
1997 Corvette black
1987 Cougar XR-7 black
My wife has wanted a convertible for almost as long as we've been married. In 1985, we went to the Ford dealership to check out convertible mustangs but ended up buying a loaded T-bird because it cost the same.

Fast forward 17 years, she still wants a ragtop and I've been wanting the new bird since the concept car came out. We bought it because of the looks, primarily. But also because we don't like small cars like Miatas and Z3s. This seems like the perfect fit for us.

red/red/partial red
I feel left out here. Am I the youngest bird owner on the forums? I am 20 🙂

I cant say I bought 'my t-bird' because its actually my dad's money but officially my car. The reason why I chose it over any other car was because of the style. I just loved it. It took time for me to get used to a big car like the bird but I am happy with it and dont regret buying it at all. I get all sorts of nice remarks on the road but the worse comments on other forums. I guess people wont understand my love for the thunderbird.
Originally posted by oodis:
I feel left out here. Am I the youngest bird owner on the forums? I am 20 🙂

Yes, you are the youngest, I think 29 is the second youngest I've heard of.
I bought mine for most of the reasons already mentioned. I had always admired the T-Bird when I was younger (the 56) but I wasn't old enough to drive or own one. My father always loved Fords and we always had Ford or Mercury cars. When I saw the retro bird at an antique car show in my hometown this summer, it was love at first sight. I passed the local dealer a week ago, saw a red one and the rest is history. My father has been gone for over 24 years but somehow I think he's pretty happy for me. The car also makes me feel younger; I look forward to many happy weekend trips in the car with my wife. I guess at 53 with both of my girls done with college and one married, it was just time for Sue (my wife) and I.

A VERY HAPPY new T-Bird owner!

We had always owned Pontiacs, that is until 1985. I am a huge NASCAR fan, with Bill Elliott being my favorite driver. When I actually saw his '85 Coors Thunderbird, I had to have one. So, I purchased my first Ford ever - 1985 silver Thunderbird complete with sunroof. Ten years later, when that car needed service from a dealer, I took her in and they were unloading a '95 40th anniversary bird, black and silver. I was hooked again. My brother bought the '85 and I took delivery of black beauty.

Fast forward: the first pictures of the 2 seater retro bird appeared on the Internet, and I wanted one. We always talked about buying an old one, '55-57, but this was amazing. We started looking to actually see one, and the dealer had it roped off-you couldn't even touch it, let alone sit in it or take it for a test drive.

July 2002 - my husband was driving around locally for business and called me to tell me that a dealer about 20 miles away had a red one on display out in front. The weekend came, and off we went. I actually got to sit in it, and I was impossible for the rest of the weekend. We sat and thought out the financial side of it, and decided we could indeed pull it off.

Mid July, we called the salesman, who was actually very nice to us, and made an appointment to take it for a test drive. Being a 2-seater, he didn't even come with us. We took it for a short drive, and when we returned, my husband said "don't appear to anxious". When the salesman greeted us and asked him how I liked the car (which I resented, I can speak for myself!) he told the salesman that I didn't like it at all. Of course, he thought we were serious, and then I cracked.

Then came the hassle of the cost. They said one thing, I said something else, they came down some, but not enough. We were preparing to leave when the sales manager came over and asked if he could talk to me. We sat down, I told him what I wanted, and he met me halfway. I signed the papers and took delivery on 7/24/02.

We have had more fun with this car than I ever thought possible. I am so cautious of the speed - I've been told that cops love red cars. But, one day, on the way to work, I was stopped for a traffic light, and a walking police officer, I believe he was a captain, stopped me when the light turned green. I knew I wasn't speeding - I was stopped! He signaled me to roll down the window, and he said "great car"!

I love this car - more than any other I've ever owned, or dreamed of owning. Now we just go 'for a ride', something we haven't done in a very long time.

Age: 55 F
i had a post card picture on my refrigerator for 3 years.
Finally, my wife said to buy the car
its the best car ive ever owned.
Its a yellow hard top with 2 tone interior.
not only did i fall in love with the look but there are very few on the street
Anyone can buy a mercedes or bmw, but how many t-birds do you see on the street.
Its fast, sporty and more fun to drive than any car ive ever owned.
i am 51 years old...all i want to do is drive this car.
i will drive it all the time. maybe next winter put it in the garage to keep the miles down..but i plan on keeping it forever.
i will replace it with another engine and trans before and drive, drive drive
Hope this helps your report
Well, This is the 6th Thunderbird I have owned. The first was a 1977 Dark metallic jade green with a 351W - WHAT A CLASSY CAR! I had 240,000 on it when it was totalled in a crash in 1990. I then bought a 1978 (351M) and got the mileage up to 180,000. It was on it's last legs and I replaced it with another jade green 77....about 150,000 on that 351W. Then my wife and I ordered a 1994 Emerald Green V8 (currently at 171,000). We sold the last 77 Bird in 1996 after purchasing a 1995 Black V8 (currently at 111,000).

I have been very vocal about Ford killing off the T-bird and the lack of promotion of the car in the 90's.(you acant sell it if you dont advertise it!)

I change the oil and service my cars every 2,000 miles until they reach 100,000 - then service them every 1,000 miles. I drive my cars and sometimes drive them HARD. This car has been long awaited and WELL WORTH IT!. I do think the car deserved to "live" through and "evolution" (1998-2001) and the lines of Chevy's MonteCarlo have a good blend between the two styles. This car really gets the looks as all of my other cars did. However, the appealing thing is there are VERY FEW AROUND. (MORE looks than ever...a neat fealing).

We recieved or 2002 Midnight Black/Hardtop/Premium Deluxe the day befor Halloween...This car will be stored and driven only in the spring/summer/fall....about 3 months in Minnesota!
I would be the second youngest one at 29 that tbird was referring to. I bought a TBird because I have been interested in its history since I was a toddler. My father was a Ford executive and had many convertible Birds in the 60s before I was born. He passed away when I was 6 years old and I'd hear stories about the cars from my mother and that's what interested me. But even remember liking Birds before my dad passed because I urged him to get one in 1978 before he died. It was a brown Diamond Jubilee Edition. They only offered this edition in brown and powder blue. I believe the 77 or 78 model year set the record for most units sold. They were big old boats. But that's the last one my dad had. I was only 5 years old at the time, but as you can see, I remember a lot about cars even at such a young age; and I've always had a special place in my heart for TBirds. I followed the development of this car since early 1998 when it was announced that it would be produced. I looked for everything I could find giving the details and how it would look. I finally put a deposit down in 1999 for a 2002. Then I called in for the NM edition on September 25, 2000 and got my call that it was delivered to my dealer exactly one year later on September 25, 2001.
I'm 32 years old, and I'm from Oklahoma. I purchased my Thunderbird about a month ago! I have the Whisper White - White Hard Top. I really enjoy having this car, for I plan to keep it forever... I had an 02 Black Sport Trac, and I paid cash for it. It got it for a little over 25K. In just four months the value had dropped $5,000. What would it have been worth a year from now? I saw the Thunderbirds on the inter-net, for I never saw one up-close. As I was taking my step-daughter home, I passed a Ford Dealership, and there parked in the front lot was a White T'Bird. Wow!!! What a car? I went back the next day and took it for a ride... That's all it took!!! I was hooked! I traded in my Trac, only got the 20K trade in, but you know what? It didn't matter!!! I lost some money, but it was worth the loss, " much-much " more was gained. The expression on peoples faces - the " thumbs up " you receive in passing - I personally, have never gave a " thumb up " when I passed a new sports car, it was always the old classic cars I always admired and gave a " thumbs up " to in passing! What a car to receive so much attention? I'm so very " happy " and always " excited " to take it on the roads...
Originally posted by S Knutson:
I had an 02 Black Sport Trac, and I paid cash for it. It got it for a little over 25K. In just four months the value had dropped $5,000. What would it have been worth a year from now? I

All cars take the hardest depreciation hit the first two years. Why did you pay cash for it, they had zero percent financing on everything but the bird didn't they?
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