Trunk/Interior Noise | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Trunk/Interior Noise

  • Thread starter Thread starter Larry
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Just recently put my hardtop on my 03 and hearing a noise coming from the trunk or rear area. Never noticed until after I put the hardtop on. Checked to make sure the spare was tightened down, but still hearing especially on rougher roads. Possibly it could be coming from the cover panel over the spare. It just sits there and not fastened solid. Or could it be coming from the convertible top parts that are in the well? Since the hardtop is secured both front & back I don't think it is coming from the top. Any ideas from owners?

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I noticed a noise from my drivers side rear quarter. I could duplicate it whan I opened the trunk and by pushing up and down at the very rear of the car. (Try that). I reported it when I was in for my last service and they wrote it up as a body shop issue, "creaking noise". The body shop was too busy at that visit and will check it next time I'm in for service.

If you think it could be the top, un-loosen the front and rear latches. Then latch only halfway, of the rear latches. Then snug lightly the front latches. Now finish tightening the rear all the way forward and go back and tighen the front two screws to the max.

Just two suggestions, let us know how you make out.
I have had a noise coming from back drivers side, when hardtop is on. No matter how I have tightened the top, it is still there, especially on rough roads. There have been numerous posts on this but to no avail. It actually sounds like the top is not snug enough in the left rear latch, causing it to bounce around. Maybe there is an adjustment in the female part of that latch. Until then i just make the radio louder.

First of all I want to say I started reading this forum 6 months ago and finally jumped in and got a 2003 blue/black last month. I love to drive it !

The first week I owned it I heard and annoying ticking sound coming from the rear passenger side. I thought it was something in the truck and took everything out but it didn't help. Being in New England I didn't plan to remove the top until the spring so I brought it into the dealer. They removed the top and couldn't figure it out so they had their body shop people look at it. I could not tell you what they did since my wife picked up the card. She said something was loose behind the seat that was very difficult to get at. Anyway the noise is gone. I'm not sure what they did, but, it was in the shop for 2 days. First they said they needed to order a new latch for the roof, but, I guess that was not the problem. Sorry I couldn't be of more help.
smc: Welcome to the site. Good to see another from Mass. I hope you can join us in April for a local car show.
Glad to hear that the noise was fixed and you are a happy driver.
Took my 03 to the dealer today and had a new chrome ring replaced around one of my port hole windows that had a flaw. Also took George's advise and loosened my top again and my wife helped me button down again. Turns out I believe my noise is coming from a top that is not latching down properly. Went back to the dealer and they order me a new locking latch for the left side. Noticed today that the left side is not locking. Compared it to the right and quite a difference. Instructions say that when you do the final latch by pulling the lever from the 1/2 way point to full you should feel a "spring tension" as it locks. You feel it on the right side but not the left. So when the part comes in I am hoping for a quieter Bird. Thanks to George and others. This forum is wonderful! Also notice that the static cling tape is working well so far. See my comments earlier on this on George's thread on the Hard Top fix regarding the protective tape.
Noise from Trunk

Last Wednesday my dealer installed the new locking mechanism that was order for the left side of my hardtop. Did not solve the problem. Still have the noise coming from the rear. Seems to me it's likely still in the top as the left latch that locks down the top, does not seem to have the same tension as the right side latch when you pull the handle all the way in the lock position. The right side seems to lock tight but not the left. So, they asked me to bring it back after the holiday rush to test drive and evaluate once again. Once again I also checked everything in the trunk, spare tire, etc. to make sure everything is locked down tight. I'm hopful that they will locate and fix the problem. Will keep you all posted.
Are you sure the latches and in the full lock position? and did you follow the hard top instructions? I did it wrong once and had a lot of top noise.
57 bluebird,
Thanks for the suggestion. Yes, I followed all of the instructions and even unlatched and went through the installation again. Also had the dealer do it the last time when they installed the new part they thought was causing. I'm out of town this week and the dealer wants to work on it again when I get back in town. Just need to find dry weather for a few days to schedule the appointment.
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