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Trouble Logging On

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sophia
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When I logon, my name and password doesn't work, I always get the access denied message.
This is the way I get on each time, I click on someone's ID and click on PM as though I were going to send a private message. Once there, I am asked to logon, this time my name and password is accepted. Then I click on a topic and it shows that I MAY post, etc.

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There are two levels of logins and two different usernames and two different passwords here. When I get to the home page I just click FORUMS and because it recognizes the cookie it knows who I am, lets me in, and I don’t have to enter any username or password at all. If on the other hand at the main page you click on Member Login it asks for name & password and that username is probably different than your “handle.” The duel username & password setup is not a very user friendly but there must be a reason for it somewhere. At this page: just select FORUMS instead of MEMBER LOGIN and see if that fixes things.
Same problem

Sophia is correct. Is does not work that way. I have done nothing different on my two computers, work and home, and I have been having issues for weeks now. In fact you may recall I emailed you to see if you were having problems sometime ago.

At work I get into the home page via my favorites. Then click on forums (2nd click here) and no problem getting into the rest of the posts.
However, at home, same drill. I go to home page via favorites Click on forums and get Error message and cannot go any further. I can only get through via my user cp to get "new messages"

All of this has been happening since the last server upgrade. I even tried starting from scratch, like typing in and I get the same results. In addition, the other day I posted a reply and it asked for my password. I got in and posted. That afternoon I did the same thing and it said password is invalid. I had to request a new password to do anything.

So yes, something is different since the last server change and it ain't me/us.
First rule in computers, garbage in, garbage out. This forum is made by a third party and is used by 10's of millions of people.

Secondly, "access denied" is only given in the members only area, which as Quickdraw stated is a seperate area.

You are obviously able to post so you are not getting access denied here.

Nothing is wrong with the forum software.
Well Mike if nothing is wrong with the software explain this,

George can log in OK at work but not at home:
"However, at home, same drill. I go to home page via favorites Click on forums and get Error message and cannot go any further. I can only get through via my user cp to get "new messages." Same with Sophia, and surely others.

There obviously is something wrong when so many people are experiencing the same thing. There are many things wrong with this software besides the inability to upload photos and I have pointed many of them out to you. If you are too busy to fix them that’s one thing, but denying problems even exist is worse.

I work with computers for a living, the problem is on his end. The fact he can login at work okay and not at home only further supports the garbage in garbage out theory. I have four computers in my house, plus the ones I am on while on site, I've never been able to reproduce the error.

The upload issue is different ballgame, it requires "stuff" to make it work.
Thanks QD for trying to help my case.
I am a complete novice with computers and thought that by posting here I would get help from experts or someone that knows.
I believe that I have made useful contributions via my posts on this site and only thought that a plee for help wouldn't fall on deaf ears "garbage in = garbage out".
I still maintain that if I go into a program like Netscape and then type in the this web address, I should get the home page.

PS, You say that " I am obviously able to post". Of course. As I said, I can ONLY post by going into my "user cp". I said I lost my password ability within the same day. Doesn't anyone read complete messages and reply with positive answers anymore???

At least I can still get in the hard way - A VIP CONTRIBUTOR, THANKS !
Telling you what you want to hear will not solve your problem.

Garbage in, Garbage out is an age old computer term which is definately applicable in this case.

Unfortunately this is not what you want to hear, but is true. Your computer (settings) are the problem.
Un fortunately I do not know what a computer setting is. Sorry
I was at work this AM and on the Forum. I copied the forum web address that I was in, onto an email and sent it to my home email address. Now I am at home and I just copied the forum address onto the tool bar and got "Website World" and the header says it is headquartered in TN.
TBird, you are in TN, could this be an interferance and be the issue? Just a thought. Fortunately on my "saved" favorites I had the forum save twice. One gets me to my user cp and the other to the same as above.
Just more info for you, if it helps.
Obviously if you are trying to reach the Thunderbird Forum, and you are getting Website World ,you are dialing the wrong phone number.
What should we look for to correct the problem? From work I click on favorites and it takes me to the home page and I don't have to sign in. At home, I always get the "Bookmark?" popup and I have to click on User CP to log in. I suspect it is something in the cookies, but I have checked and it appears I have it set to at accept cookies. Is there something specific you can suggest to check? Thanks, Jim
If you keep getting the bookmark pop up, cookies are not working properly on that machine. It should no appear again for 364 days.
Mike, Is it possible that your system is having trouble dealing with different cookies with different data but the same user name?
Both AZ and George can log in fine from one machine but not the other. Sophia, do you use different machines to log in?
No. Cookies are on the user side.
Yes I know cookies are on the our side. I assume the cookies at least incredment each visit. Say user JoeDoe visists his 93rd time from work and the system increments it from 92 OK but from home the same user would maybe show 343 visits. Does your system notice the discrepency? Or else certain cookies are set on the machine the user first logs on from in response to the registration email.

I show at least four thunderbirdforum files on my machine that were "modified" with todays date, two txt files and two htm files. Should everyone have at least these four files?
Mike aka TBird:

You said:

"Obviously if you are trying to reach the Thunderbird Forum, and you are getting Website World ,you are dialing the wrong phone number."

How in the world could I possibly be dialing the wrong number when;
1) I have made NO changes to my dialing?
2) In fact, I don't dial numbers. When I'm in AOL or Netscape I just enter the web address. There is no dialing there.
3) I have two identical website addresses saved and they yield different results.

Maybe this additional data can shed some light for you on this:

Here's something interesting related to "wrong dialing". I went to Yahoo just now and did a search on "thunderbirdforum". I got two choices.
One was 2004 with the forum address. I clicked it and it went to website world. Wow, does that help solve the problem? No dialing on my part there.
Then I clicked on 2002-2003 and the web address and got directly into the posts without the home page.

All I would like to see is the site the way it was for the past two + years.
Sophia, do you use different machines to log in

I use my computer at work 99% of the time when I visit this site.

The main reason I started this thread was to show new & old members how to get here, if they get the access denied messege. Somewhere else, one of our members posted that the last time they were here, they got access denied, and they went away mad.
The only area that gives an access denied message is the members only area.
The only area that gives an access denied message is the members only area.

Sophie is wondering just how do you go about becoming a member, the following is a copy and paste. 😕



Become a member Click Here or return to previous page
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