The Ford customer service center does not get involved with vehicle scheduling. Don't e-mail them. Any communication with them goes back to the dealership for handling.
Each Thursday, the scheduling system pulls a group of orders (from the order bank) and serializes them - assigns a vin. These vehicles will be scheduled for production - usually within the next 4 weeks.
The allocation that a dealer has for the month determines how many vehicles will be scheduled. The priority for the order (set by the dealer when the vehicle was ordered) or the order date (If multiple orders have the same priority number) usually determines which vehicle will be scheduled next. The dealership allocation (by month) formula looks at total allocation for the model year, the priority set by the dealership,
oprder input dates, etc. As the dealerships that were only allocated 1 or 2 vehicles fall out of the allocation system, the larger dealers will begin to get them faster.
We are just beyond the mid-point in the production run. If your "position" wasn't affected too much by pull aheads (or possible dealership re-prioritization), you should be coming up very quickly.
The availability of commodities, (tops, colors, interior trim, wheels, brake systems, supp. lamps, etc.) can affect the scheduling of a particular vehicle. As you said, no-
hard top models are being pulled ahead. They take up an allocation slot for the month and everyone else slips back a notch.
Generally, the scheduling is dealer dependant. If a dealer wants to pull a vehicle ahead, they can put a higher priority on it and it will come up quicker in the scheduling system. Ford Motor Company will not get involved with the dealer's scheduling system, except where commodity availability dictates.
Call your salesperson on Fridays and ask whether you status has changed (after Thur. night). They will check for you, or you have the wrong salesperson.