Luggage rack | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Luggage rack

  • Thread starter Thread starter MUSEUMPROD
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I am looking for a temporary luggage rack or other device that
I can place over the trunk to carry a small suitcase. The trunk
space is minimal. Have any of you tried something?

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Why not remove the spare tire to make room. You could carry a can of fix a flat and pray you do not have a flat. Anyway, how far are you ever from someone who could bring you a spare.

I do this all the time. I know people will say why risk it. Well you take risk all the time and you need to decide if it is worth it.

Good luck!!!
Originally posted by MUSEUMPROD
I am looking for a temporary luggage rack or other device that
I can place over the trunk to carry a small suitcase. The trunk
space is minimal. Have any of you tried something?

I will be driving from CT to FL to in Sept. to leave the Bird there for the winter. I have made this trip 16 times and have never had a flat. Do my chances of having a flat by not carrying a
spare increase drastically? YOU BET!! I could wear three
sets of old clothes and each morning throw the top set away!
I will try leaving the spare tire home on shorter trips. Thats a
good idea.
Or...Or mind you.You could have a low wieght class trailer hitch installed.One with the removable "ball" which most are now.And instead of buying a small one of those small luggage/trunk platforms which simply plugs into the hitch.Many people have done this and had the trunk painted to match thier vehicle.And the racks themselves are available in chrome finish.

The answer is simple, if you are game enough to do it. Shortly after purchasing my car in early 2002, my sister and I drove from Georgia to New York for a twelve day vacation. You can imagine two women and the luggage we might want to carry for a twelve day trip! We tried everything under the sun, trying to get our luggage in my car. way was that ever going to happen! I finally decided that the luggage took up more space than our clothes. Ahhhhh..the solution! I went in the house and got two duffle bags, one for each of us, to be used for toiletries and any other vital necessity needed in a hotel room over night. We took all of our clothes out of the suitcases and packed the trunk very neatly as if it was the suitcase! So each night before we checked into the hotel, we just opened the trunk, took out the clothes needed for the next day and grabbed our duffle bags and amazingly it worked out very nicely. If you pack very carefully and fold everything very neatly, you would not believe how well this works. Anything that cannot be folded just lay over the top of the folded clothes. The duffle bags slid right into the rear square box area in the very back of the trunk. If you decide to leave your spare at home, you can use that space to put your dirty clothes in!
The next problem was the cooler.......oh,what to do with that??? The trunk was full! Solution..a very small cooler fits very nicely on the center rear deck between the driver and passenger seats. Refill it, as needed , when you make your scheduled stops.
By the way, and a little off the subject. There is a nice little stretch of highway in New Jersey that is so tempting for a little T-Bird to strut it's stuff!! Had the speedometer over 140 miles per hour and it was wonderful! The car handled so nice and smooth, I absolutely was just amazed at how well the car performed. It just felt so comfortable at that speed.....just smooth sailing!
Enjoy your trip...anything is possible in these wonderful little T-Birds!

😉 J F Butler
Wow Julie, now that you had that bad Brake experience I hope you stay away from the 140 mph zone

Sorry if I gave you the wrong impression of carrying luggage.
Back in Oh say 59-60 My original Bird was used for a cooler and COORS 7 oz alum cans. The trunk---well whatever you needed for more beer and BBQ at the River bottom in OKLAHOMA.
Now if my wife & I of 40 years need to travel we do take other vehicle-- except for an overnighter at nearby SAN ANTONIO.
BEST Have fun. I did and will. Thats what it is all about.
Julie has the right idea, however if you don't want to just lay your clothing in the back of the car, they make various sized soft packing pouches that can be used to pack day by day or different type of clothing. A friend of mine who has a 02 bird went on a fairly long trip with his wife and packed in these packing pouches. He packed day to day, that is he packed a days clothing in each pouch and just opened his trunk and took our a "his" pouch and a "her" pouch into the motel -- put the soiled clothing back into the pouches and went on his way. He says it works perfectly. Also, there is a neat cooler available that just fits on the shelf behind the seats. It is wide but thin and just the right height so you can see perfectly over it. It comes in Blue and Red and I got my red one at Target for about $15. It is marketed by "Rubbermaid" and I have heard that not only can it be bought at Target, but also at Wal*Mart.
Where did you find packing pouches! I bought some plastic ones that we use when we ski, you sqeeze the air out of it Are these what you are referring to. Great idea.

I tried the luggage thing too. Ended up taking everything our ant just folding it in the trunk.

I have ordered 2 (soft cloth) garment bags (someone should sale these with our colors and correct length of car, hehe) that I am going to try this out next time.

Don't remember just where I saw the soft pouches but had to be in a luggage store or luggage department of a department store. I do believe that they were plastic -- like about 12 inches by 12 inches by 3 inches high. They had a zipper on three sides of the pouch so that when you unzipped them the top folded off to the side. I think they are meant to pack certain classes of clothing such that you won't mess up your luggage when you want to find something. Just pack your clothes in these and then throw them into a suitcase and go. If I see them again I will post where. The wife and I have each a soft canvas bag, not a duffle but it looks like a long tote bag with wheels. We have packed for five days in these with no problem -- even had a cooler in the trunk. The idea of using the trunk as a suitcase and just put the clothing in there loose would be a good idea when the car is new, however I would worry about dust and dirt getting on the clothes, especially after the car got a little older. In any event, there are ways to pack in this little car if you use your head. We get used to big trunks on our cars and so we pack too much stuff.....
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