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Issues getting into the Forum

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
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Passed Away July 25, 2015
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Thunderbird Year
For a while I have had issues getting into the Forum. Been here 10 years and this has never happened - If I recall, this has been since there has been a facebook connection.
BTW, that is something I am not interested in joining.
So, what happens? When I enter the home page and click the "Click Here" I get a page that says "Unable to return you to xyz and so on. There is no back button so you have to click th X and it puts you out completely, only to log in again
So what have I done? I have tried signing out and then in, I've rebooted my computer, I've actually shut it down, I've cleaned out my Cookies and I've contacted Quickdraw to see if he's had issues getting in.

Once in a while I get in, no problem. Today I tried 3 times and when I did get in, I decided to post this.

If anyone has any ideas, please post as complete a post as you can -- Very often people respond with vague responses assuming that everyone is computer savvy.

Thanks for listening

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Still happening to me. Eight trys to get in to read posts this morning. In fact, once in it took two trys to respond to this thread (this post) - Kept coming up with different screen to "retry"

When I come on and finally get to the home page you can click on the facebook and easily get there, but then they want you to sign up - Facebook is NOT for me and this issue of difficulkty getting onto TBF has definitely been since the facebook tie in, was added to this site. I would guess that could be why postings are down

Mike, administrator, can you please help us???
Kicked off again tryin g to post - If this goes through, This is what I get:

We were unable to return you to

Internet Explorer has stopped trying to restore this website. It appears that the website continues to have a problem.
What you can do:
Go to your home page

Try to return to

More information
George; try downloading "mozilla firefox" free browser. maybe internet explorer is the problem. when i have trouble its always with internet explorer. i then use the fierfox browser and get in. you can keep internet explorer and use either one. just google "mozilla firefox free browser" and go from there.
Internet Explorer is the worst and slowest web browser on the market per third party testing, there is no reason to use it. The problem is likely with your browser, not the forum.

Hope that helps!

All kinds of other browsers, Google Chrome, Firefox.
George anymore issues? I think it may have been from when our server got overloaded from a spammer attack a few weeks ago.
Been away for a while, but got right in today, no problem. Hopefully that's behind us 😀
Thanks TBird

Edit; just zipped around other threads, in & out and no problem at all.
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