Identifying your location would help | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Identifying your location would help

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
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Passed Away July 25, 2015
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Thunderbird Year
Very often there are posts that I answer that I probably shouldn't... Example; someone looking for a car and they're clear across the country. My input is not worth my time to ennter.
I believe that all of us should identify our location on our profile. Certainly the State we are in and optional would be the town/city.
I'd like to hear some input on this, Pro and Con.

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I agree, George. I often find a person's location to be very helpful.

If someone is reluctant to post a city, for fear of revealing too much personal information, posting the state alone would help.

Just my two cents' worth...
I see many new members still do not put down their location.

TBird; why not make it a "must" when they are signing up? At least the State people are from. Certainly there are a certain amount of data a member has to fill in to join us. Why can't their State be required as well?

When we organize events, it would help if we could review the member lists and send out notices. Right now the NE list is very small
Originally posted by George
TBird; why not make it a "must" when they are signing up? At least the State people are from.

Because a lot of people prefer not to provide this information and it's optional.

It's a good idea to look over your profile anyway, so if you are reading this, visit and add or correct any information neccessary.
Stae Location

I entered my state location. I have no problem with this. It wasn't something I was trying to hide, just information I neglected to put in. I too think it would be nice to see where T-Bird owners are from.

I believe that it isn't that most people don't want it displayed, but like yourself, it just got over looked. Thanks for bringing up that point.
Thanks to Paula for her support and TBIRD for suggesting that others review their profiles for an update.
Possibly, as people update these profiles, we'll be better able to have local get togethers.
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