Hard Top Hoist Purchase | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Hard Top Hoist Purchase

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I have decided is worth the money for a top hoist. I'm considering the hoist sold by Thunderbird Concepts. I would appreciate information from anyone who has that hoist. I'm concerned about ease of installation and use. Also will it damage my top. I plan to store the top in the hoist for periods up to three months.


Jim (jetbird)

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Hi JIm:
I have an electric one and love it. A little awarkward to install since my garage ceilings are 11' high.
I bought this from a guy that sold his TBird, so do not know manufacturer. However, there is a padded bar that goes through the windows and then a strap that goes from the bar to the rear of HT. Therefore a triangular strap affair to the hoist cable. Hope this explanation helps
Very easy to lift and store, but I just do not feel comfortable storing it up there so it's on the cart.
All hoists available say they will not hurt the top....
Are you getting the manual or electric?
I took a picture this AM to show you my set up😎
By the way Jim; the instructions only called for one hook in the ceiling, where the cable drops down to the car. I put two just to share the weight on the eye hooks going into the joists - FYI
Thunderbird lift installation.

I bought the Cross Bow Tbird Top Lift from Thunderbird Concept and installed the lift 3/27/08. I had the following problems:
1. The 2x10 studs run across the garage roof centered on 24 inches. The lift bar that goes at the top has three holes space for a center of 16 inches. The bar was not long enough to have three lag bolts space at 24 inches. First I drilled a 3/8 inch hole and had two lag bolts space 24 inches a part. I attached the bar to the ceiling with the two lag bolts and using the red strap hooked to the bar to see if it would support my 180 pounds. It did however, I wanted to attach a third bolt and the only way I could do it was drill out the remaining very back hole over the crank in the top piece to 3/8 inch and run a 24 inch all thread steel shaft through the sheet rock and through the attic 1 by 4 boards that made up the floor of my attic. I then attached very large fender washer in the attic, regular washers, lock washers and nuts to each end of the all thread 3/8 inch steel rod. I tighten it down and I now am convinced the lift is not going to come down. Cost for the 24 inch rod, washers, and nut $2.55.

2. After a trial run to see it the top fit and lifted to the ceiling. I mark the floor around the two left tires for future reference and drove the Thunderbird out. I then lowered the top to the floor and unhook it from the lift to put the top cover on that came with the car. The back of the cover does not fully cover the back bottom area and I do not know what to do to fix it. I do not like how the loop on end goes over the side pin with the top cover material in the way.

3. Total time spent was six hours including two trips to town for bolts. First bolt was not long enough to go up into the attic. I have 2x10 studs and thought I had 2X6 studs.

4. I did not understand what the spring was for that came in the package to connect the wench handle. I put it on the outside between the handle, washer and nut.

I am very happy that I bought the lift for it stores the hardtop out of the way. I just did not want to store the top along a wall in the garage for fear of getting it damage during the seven months it is off the Thunderbird. Finding pictures of previous Thunderbird owners installations in the forum's and printing out the picture turn out a big plus for the directions that come with the lift was not that clear in doing it right the first time.
My thanks for the information and pictures from other Thunderbird owners for it made the installation easy.
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Thanks Robert, or Mike.... Maybe some of that info will help Jim (jetbird)😎
Top Hoist Installation


Thanks for the great information. I live in a three story townhouse and I have one side access to my garage ceiling. I'm sure I will have loads of fun installing the hoist. I don't know the spacing on my ceilig joists in the garage but I'm assuming 14 inches considering the load from the top two stories. I should receive the hoist next week. I will post the particulars after I install the hoist.

Thanks again,

Jim (jetbird)
Jim: Buy a "stud finder" and you'll find those joists easily. They have some great electronic ones on the market
Let us know when you finish🙂
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