C.O.P. issues on ''02 | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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C.O.P. issues on ''02

  • Thread starter Thread starter dchamb
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2002's are definitely not covered.
When you buy, I'd suggest Motorcraft. They have advanced design from what I hear and also some have had code issues when owners use non-Motorcraft plugs and coils
thanks george. just as i feared. i only have one to replace. how about the new covers. are they worth buying?

As I understand it, yes...Always easier to do the job once
'02 COP issues

I'm the second owner of a nice '02 with 120K miles on it. Talking to the first owner, the plugs and two coils were replaced at about 70k. I've owned it 1.5 years and put about 12K miles on it with no problems. I have my "on the road" cop repair kit in a box in the trunk, so that I can change cops and plugs at any time. My kit includes a set of cops, plugs and the appropriate tools. I'm pretty tool savvy, so I'd rather just change them out while driving the car 1200 miles on vacation instead of paying a grease monkey while traveling.

I've read several posts and articles about the COP issue, and I've seen that several people have had to replace cops multiple times. One poster suggested that heat was causing the coil insulation to delaminate.

Recently, I decided to remove the COP covers and store them in my wheel well with the spare tire. I took the car through an aggressive car wash with underbody sprays before I did this to see if any water collected on the top of the cop covers before I removed them. No water collected there. Therefore, I decided to remove the covers and leave them off for two reasons. First, if I had to replace the cops, it would be easier and quicker to get to them. Secondly, having the cop covers off should allow heat to dissipate easier which should minimize cop insulation delamination and slow corrosion.

I own an '01 GMC yukon and a '97 Cadillac Eldorado which both have individual coils that are not under a cover and I've had very good luck with these vehicles and no coil issues, so I'm hoping my idea keeps from continually replacing the Tbird cops.

Has anybody else tried this? What have your results been? Any more failures?
Good info. I hope others respond as well, as to what they did and how it's working out for them
'02 cop issues

Yesterday I took my bird through the aggressive car wash with underbody sprays with the COP covers off, and all is well. No water getting on the coils, so I think I will leave the covers off.
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