All three years use the same switch and the wires are connected the same. The wire numbers are found in the manual and references the color codes that are found on the
wiring harness. The back of the switch is marked as follows:
BATT- #21 yellow wire, supplies voltage to the switch.
ACC – #30 black with green – fuel and temp gauge, #8 orange with yellow – turn signal, also attached is other accessories radio heater, etc. Note: Some accessory wires do no have rubber molded ends. The wire goes straight to the eyelet.
IGN – #16 red wire with green attaches to the
coil on a 1955 and to the ignition resistor on a 1956/57, #30A,30B black with green wire attaches to oil pressure and generator light. The eyelet is single with the wires clustered together.
ST- #32 (the center post) Red/blue wire is energized when the ignition switch is held in the start position. It supplies voltage to the starter solenoid which engages the starter.
Also, don't forget to check the 15
amp fuse located between the ignition switchand the turn signal
1955 Thunderbird Blue