New T-bird concept | Page 2 | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models

New T-bird concept

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I like the wheels! But the other snap on parts, give it a ricer look. Just my 2 cents

2002 Thunderbird blue
2001 Mag Red Corvette vert.
2000 Aqua Marine PT Cruiser
1968 Rally Red Corvette roadster

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I can't believe you live in Washington State and designed such low ground clearance did you forget about steep driveways, did you forget about parking curbs or are all of your ground effects totally scratch proof break proof etc?

Thanks for reminding all me of what I hated on the previous Thunderbird: those hideous spoilers. I agree the wheels are nice-for a Mustang though. Exhaust, brakes, and an interior trim kit is, at the most, what I'm looking for!
Look I asked you guys to be honest and I am being honest too. I thank the guys who commented politely. I am just not into Fords and especially Japanese cars. I usually do designs in the exotic realm. These here are two of many that I have done and have gone off to Ferrari. The first one is a totally new concept with a mid-engine 585hp Corvette C5R engine. The second being a Ferrari GTO off of the Maranello style.



Jason Godsil
Godsil Design

Don't be discouraged, like I stated, we have a lot of purists here. There are several other new Bird sites out there. Run your idea thru them and see what the reaction is.
The fault is not as much with your design as with your insulting attitude. Don't come into someones house and tell them their childern are ugly but you can sell them something to make them the way you would like them to look and expect to be welcomed. A designer you may be, but as a saleman you have a long way to go.

I did not like the design, but you are clearly talented. I would put your effort into the Ford Mustang. You will find many people who like what you are able to do on that car. You could even work with the 85-93 Mustangs. They are very affordable and people have money to spend on them.

Paul H.
I to am in the camp of those who do not care for the ground effects. Your particular version of the ground effects makes the car look a lot like a hovercraft. But then I do not want ground effects of any kind on any of my vehicles.
I would be very interested in what you could come up with in the nature of a hard tonneau cover. Preferably 2 piece for trunk storage and maybe following the more traditional lines of the tonneau covers of the 61 - 66 Thunderbird roadsters. Given that you could develop the right look I'm sure you would find a market for it.

Courage - and shuffle the cards
NMTBirdLA - I totally agree with everything you said including your opening paragraphs. As one who has defended the rights of others to have dissenting opinions without being attacked, I had been resisting jumping in - comments like "hideous" invite heated response but personal attacks are not necessary.

design is always a personal preference. and those of us who purchased this car and are active on this board obviously like this design - but nearly everyone has added personal modifications or complained about something which could have been done better or different. a more drastic design may not excite us, but it may still be valid for some. and I think we have shown that constructive criticism can change a trial balloon into a good product.

once again, I step off my soapbox and go back to my preferred sarcastic personality. for those who I have now PO'd or offended, I apologize.

neiman vin#00035
delivered October 4, 2001
Sorry, took another vacation. Missed all the action here but heard (and saw) some things I do not like.

First, personal attacks are not necessary -- unless you are Gary Whitaker.

Second, this is a forum for all and all should be included, not excluded.

Third, as my friend here in L.A. once said to a rapt crowd of millions: "Can't we all just get along?"

I look forward to cruising here and hope things were as they are as they were months ago.

Triple Black #748

I too have to put in a word for Jason for puttin' it out there.

A couple of words of advice from someone in the design profession:

1.) Know your market. Last week, I had a strange woman approach me from the sidewalk as I sat at an intersection with the top down, and say "I just want to tell you that I think this is the most beautiful car on the road." This week, 2 women at the same intersection: "Oh my God, look at that car!" (I had to ask "What about the driver?") Georg Kacher from Automobile Magazine: "It's gorgeous. Absolutely gorgeous." A later issue of Automobile: " has so much style. Every move it makes is delicious". Road and Track: "The new Thunderbird succeeds both as a heritage piece, and as a design in its own right." I could go on. If your taste is so far off from the norm as to think that it's hideous, you're going to be selling your designs to a vanishingly small market. That's ok. The market for Art Films, Joan Baez CDs and hagus is small too. As long as you can make a decent living and enjoy your work. Just know your market.
2.) Develop a thick skin. As you can see from this post, if you want to put your vision out into the world, you're going to take some hits. Doesn't matter if you're Michaelangelo. You will take hits. Don't be afraid to learn and improve, but stay true to your vision and believe in yourself.

It takes courage to put your work out in a public forum, and to dare to defend it. Keep doing it. As time goes on, you'll develop more finesse at it. Best of luck.

Torque thrusts don't fit on T Birds, I already tried to buy a set
Originally posted by rt2esq:
Missed all the action here but heard (and saw) some things I do not like.

You'll survive.

Hey, isn't that a refrain from a Gloria Gainer song...I will survive, hey, hey...

Still missed it--Mr. Moderator Man

P.S. Go Lakers!!!

Triple Black #748

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