My '02 Bird won't start ! | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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My '02 Bird won't start !

  • Thread starter Thread starter BLUBRD
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It has sat for about a month, but that has never been a problem before. It only has 3700 miles on it and the battery is fully charged and hooked up to a trickle charger. The engine cranks just fine but, it seems like it's not getting any fuel. I went to take off the air filter so I could pour a little gas in the carburater, but...Hmmm is my age showing? I'm not sure if my gas got gummed up or if I have a little vapor lock. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.I live in Dallas and were gonna hit 80 today so I don't see the temp as a problem.

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First of all, WELCOME!!
If it is truly not getting fuel, I would suspect one of the fuel pumps. The problem there would be that they redside in the tank itself. Our fuel tanks are saddle style so there is a pump from one side to the other and one to the engine.
You may want to see if there's a trouble shooting section of your manual.
Also use the search function above. Keep us tuned in.
I did some searching for you. Some members have found that if they filled up the gas recently and did not have the gas cap screwed tightly, the system lost it's pressure and resulted in no starts. At least something to explore first.
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Thanks for the assist

Thanks for the help George. Unfortunately, I am aware of the gas cap issue and it was one of the first things I tried.." no joy " as we used to say in the corps. I wasn't able to open your link, but I did go back and found the fuel filter threads. That whole setup sounds downright scary. I only own the standard owner's manual and it's pretty much useless for anything other than a drink coaster. I have been trolling e-bay and found some manuals that I'm considering. I have the extended warranty for 7 years or 75,000 miles. I don't feel to worried about the mileage. It would just kill me to have the car towed out of my garage because it won't start. I'll keep you updated, Thanks, Bill
Thanks for your reply Bill:
I found more than one thread and do not know which ones you could/could not open. So, I will copy them here. If no help to you, at least they will be here for others:
I have a 2002 T Bird with 26,000 miles. Last year it wouldn't start while at the dealer getting an oil change. They found a blown fuel pump fuse. It happened twice since then - I replaced the fuse and all was OK. Now the car won't start at all and the fuse is OK. I am guessing the fuel pump finally went? or is there another issue? Would like to hear from any folks with similar experience before I go to the dealer and get soaked.
Chip; More info I'm finding for you:
One guy says:
There were reports of problems with some 2002 Birds having problems similar to this. The gas tank is a saddle tank that straddles the drive shaft tunnel and there are 2 fuel pumps, one for each side.
Something I learned. The electric fuel pumps that Ford uses are located in the fuel tanks and are partially kept cool by being submerged in gasoline. Keep your tank partially filled at all times because when you run low on gasoline your fuel pump is running hotter than when it is totally submerged. The gas gauge is part of the fuel pump and if it doesn't work, you have to replace the fuel pump to get a new gas gauge. But if you fill the tank up,say
evry 150 miles or so, your fuel pump is happy.
Last one:
A former service advisor says - low fuel in the tank could cause a pump to burn out as the 2nd pump relies on the fuel to keep it cool.
Chip, this is the last part of my research for you:
From a, ex-service advisor:
If your dealer was able to verify your concern and unable to correct all they have to do is call Ford's "Tech Hotline" and they may have the answer.
If not ask if they have a "Flight Recorder" (small computer with a button you push to capture events) that they can put in your car and let you dive it and capture the events in real time. heck if they can find then they can send a copy to the Hotline and the Engr's can review. I checked Oasis and there is no TSB or SSm's at this time for this problem.
Another says:
The pump control module monitors the fuel pressure and sends signals to the pumps that results in maintaining the required amount of pressure to the injectors. I believe it is 38 lbs.
I've had my T-Bird about seven months now, the first month...gas sensor went out, burnt up fuel pumps, stranded fixed.
Same guy:
The dealer called said the fuel pump had gone out again! In just 4 mths. I asked why, "Well human made parts..blah blah blah..." so I asked for the service manager, who was nice, he said he would call Ford to inquire what to check other things/causes...I just dont know...two times the fuel pumps gone out in four mths...
And he finally got:
The Service Manager called me back said thay had done performance/voltage etc. tests on the car, all is well, ford said the problem simply is the fuel pump and yes, its on warranty.
Here's more:
I'm new and this is my first posting. I hope someone can assist me. I have a 2002 Thunderbird with the 3.9 litre engine. I'm trying to locate the fuel line. I have removed the black plastic cover that sits on the engine. I notice 2 lines connected to the right side of the throttle body. Are they the fuel lines? If so, which one is the input and which the return line to the tank?
There is a fuel line assy that goes from the fuel filter up to the fuel rail. The fuel line does not go to throtle body.
Todd: I don't believe there is a return line to the tank. Here is some info I found while searching to get you an answer:

"Also if you remember from the early days of these forums we found out that the T-Bird has two fuel pumps. The tank is shaped like a horse shoe hanging over the driveshaft with a pump in each side. One pumps from one side to the other and the other pump then pumps to the engine. No return line back to tank on these vehicles.
So that $750 estimate for a fuel pump could go up to almost double that. If I ever had to replace one I would replace both so I would not have to pay the labor all over again if the second pump fails within a few months of the first pump failing."

In addition I found some other interesting data we may need some day if you have a fuel filter problem:

"You must remove the the front left wheel ( driver side ). Then you will have to remove the rear section of the wheel well, which is held in place by 5 pins. The filter is easy to remove & replace once you get to this point."
Finally Bill, since you said you had the extended warranty, I would go ahead and use it if I were you. That way the problem would then get written up on a service order, in case you have the same issue again.
I had a flat one day and found that the full size tire wouldn't fit in the trunk and I was not going to put it in the front seat (if it would fit). So I put it back on the car and called for service. They changed the tire and then flat bedded the car to the dealer under the warranty. The driver was very careful. He said he had never seen one of these and would be extra careful.
The dealer repaired the tire and put it back on the car and I drove home.

Also Bill, if the car will not start and you have it trucked to the dealer, they have a shot at getting the code off the cars computer that will tell them what the problem is.
There are some TSB's that have been issued in the past for electrical issues. You can find the ones's I posted from another search above for "TSB's"'s.htm
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I had forgotten about that. There is a fuel rest button, but I believe it's in the cabin. Possibly under drivers side.
Yup, there is an automatic shutoff that is intended to stop the electric fuel pump when there is a substantial jolt to the car or if you are in an accident. The engine will crank but not start if the shut-off switch has been activated.
I have a 2002 as well and in the owners manual there is info on page 152. The switch is located in the driver's foot well behind the kick panel. The reset button is RED and should be found through an opening in that kick panel.
If that doesn't make a difference, the next thing to check is the fuse for the fuel pump. Good luck and keep us informed.
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By the way....

My '02 bird only has ONE fuel pump. I did as you suggested George and told the dealer to replace both fuel pumps if one of them was found to be bad. When he called me this afternoon to tell me that it was ready, He said my '02 Bird was very early production and had a vacuum transfer line in lieu of a second pump. Has anyone else ever heard of this? By the way, I do have the extended warranty and had only to pay the $50 deductible.
Great feedback!! That's what makes this site so valuable. The information is stacking up for later reference.
I had not heard of the single fuel pump but will look into it, thanks.

There are two schools of thought on these extended warranties but when you need them they are dandy. Glad you had one.

Blubird: If you give me your VIN I'll do some checking for you. Either post here or if you you can PM or Email me
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Also, next time you are in for service, try to find out what "early" means.
I too have an '02 and would like to know if there is a specific VIN sequence of cars that has the same set up as yours.
I'm wondering if mine is "early" and only the VIN would tell
Well my '04 died.Went to the store 15min ride came out and she no start.Tried a couple of times and nothing.Strong crank but not a pop.Called a tow truck and had it towed to the local L/M dealer .Will find out maybe tomorrow.Yes I do have an independent extended warranty.First thing I bought as the factory warranty was over.
Dealer called they say it's the PCM (Program Control Module) which is covered by Ford under an 8 yr program.Cost to me is zero. I will find out more on this when I pickup the Bird next week and post if it applies to all yrs. or just '04.😎
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