Merry Christmas to All of My Friends | Page 2 | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Merry Christmas to All of My Friends

  • Thread starter Thread starter WixomPooh
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and Merry Christmas to Wixom Pooh... and all the members of this board and the lurkers, too. Hoping to hear from anyone who receives a "bow-tied" 'bird tomorrow!

Best Wishes to all!
Dot & George

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To WixomPooh and everyone else at Wixom:

Thanks for making my Christmas a lot more special for me this year!

You are making dreams come true for many great people on the forum!
A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to WixomPooh, all her excellent co-workers at the Wixom plant, and all the people who make this board such a nice place to visit.

We visited our new T-Bird (#7419) at the dealership for first time yesterday (on Christmas Eve day) and will take it home with us the day after Christams. Such perfect timing -- and what an awesome gift! It's my best Christmas ever!!!

Blue w/ white top premium, partial interior
Its now Christmas in our time-zone
A Merry One to Pooh and all the folks at Wixom for a job well done, and a special Happy Holidays wish to all our participants and friends in this and the BON forums. Santa came early for some of us, for the rest still waiting for your new Bird, you get a delayed, but well-worth-the-wait extra Xmas present.
Nowhere else in the world does anyone enjoy what we share today.
Wixom Pooh:

I spent the last couple of days putting Zaino polishes on my new T-Bird. Wish you could see the deep wet look it put on your paint job. I must say that the paint job is flawless. Great work by you and your co-workers!!

Merry Christmas to you and to all Board members.
Ho - Ho - Ho Merry Christmas

Was anybody lucky enough to find a new T-Bird under there tree, or in the driveway or garage this morning. I know one person who is buying one and it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for his wife, but it did not make it and probably won't until March or April. Thought maybe someone else had the same plan and the car did make it in time.

Thirteen degrees this morning and no snow. Think I'll do something crazy today, put the top down on the Bird and cruise around with my Santa hat on..... Ho - Ho - Ho

Yellow/Yellow Prem. 02 Bird w/full accent
1999 F150 Super Cab 4x4 Off Road
1998 Taurus SE Sport 24V
Happy holidays to everyone and especially to Wixom Pooh and the other fine folks in 'Birdland. The History Channel program last night was fantastic. One hour of nothing but TBirds! WOW!
Still waiting for my blue/blue/blue preimium. 10 of 18.

Lon, hate to say it but I think YOUR NUTS.

Blue on Blue Prem. STILL WAITING Ordered in Jan. 7of12 NOW 4of12
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
a dog a cat and a couple hundred fish in my pond
Got Vin. 109293 Build Date 01/14
Adding my wishes to all in the group and to Pooh for a Merry Xmas and healthy New Year,.

Lon - I'm with you - headed out into the Massachusets 20 degree day with the top down. That's what these birds like - attention!!
Was out of town for a few days, so a belated Happy Holidays to all of you fine folks on this forum. A prosperous New Year will also be in store for all, I'm sure! I'm certainly envious of all of you who have their Birds, but for those of us still waiting, it will happen before we know it! Patience!!!

Blue/Blue Premium '02 (Waiting sort of patiently)
Yellow '76
Better late than never, my best to you, Pooh. If you get a chance to get that Makin' Thunderbirds MP3, go for it. It ought to be playing once a day at Wixom.
Happy new year to you, yours and indeed the entire Bulletin Board.
Pooh and members of this FUN TBird BB- Merry Christmas.
I worked yesterday, and yes I missed my family, but got to clean my Bird and eat some too. We did not have it as bad as our Military and CIA or FBI stationed all over the planet.

God bless America! and I hope we can end the senseless so called Religious wars going on all over the world.

Pray for world peace, and end to hunger in this world.

Drove th 02 Bird today, Oh what a feeling!

'56 + '02 Birds
Just got back today from spending Christmas with my parents in Clear Lake, California. Happy Holidays to you, WixomPooh; to your family; and to all of you on this board, who have brightened up my life in so many small ways. Health, happiness, peace, and safety to all.
I was also out of pocket this holiday season but I want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and hope that next year brings joy to all and a return to peace for all.

Courage - and shuffle the cards
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