In for oil change, out with body damage *%#!&$!$#@!*!#*!

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Help! What could go wrong with a simple oil change at the dealer? I took her in to get it done while I waited. Got the papers, paid my bill, and got the car. When I opened the door to drive away, I saw the damage to the front edge of the driver's door and the panel just in front of it. Apparently when they put the car on the lift, something was bent. With no room between the door and the panel both got damaged -- crimped metal, chipped paint and composite dings. It starts at the lower front edge of the door and up about 7 inches. Same on the panel in front of the door. There now is also a gap between the body and windshield trim that wasn't there before the incident (less than an inch separation).

How could this have happened just changing the oil? Could the frame be bent or damaged? The dealer has agreed to fix it, but I want it back like it came from the factory. Will their body shop repair be an adequate fix?

Chips and scratches are one thing, but they can be fixed. It was suggested to check the rocker panel to get an indication of what kind of forces might have been really involved in the event causing the damage.

Well when I took a close look at it today, guess what? Sealed seam broken and slightly bent. Even if the visible damage is repaired, could this mean bent frame with loss of integrity, possible corrosion as the car ages, or other possible consequences. I hate to just let them cover it with Bondo and hide something serious underneath. Am I over-reacting?

Anybody from Wixom willing to put in their 2 cents worth?

Gary and Bill saw in N. Myrtle Beach that it was a "perfect" car.

I'd appreciate any input to help me be prepare to try and solve this.







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File a law suit against them in your local small claims court if they are not willing to repair it.

This is unimaginable. Damage the car to this extent during a simple oil change? I'm not sure I'd want the same people repairing the car. Make your insurance company aware of it. Talk to an attorney. Strongly consider taking the car somewhere else for the repair and make the dealer pay for it. I know that complicates things, but how can you trust them with your car now?

I took my bird in to the dealer last Wednesday for the first oil change at 2,500 miles. I did a brief walk-around visual inspection before I drove off and found the car was fine. I guess I'm more fortunate than I thought.

I feel badly for you and what has happened to your car. I hope you get it fixed to your satisfaction.

PK- Blue/Full Blue/Blue Top #16336

I really appreciate your comments.

I did get a call from the dealership today. I think it was just a routine call to check my "satisfaction" with the oil change. She was very nice and sounded truly horrified when I told her what my experience had been. She promised me that the general manager of the dealership would call me Monday. I hope we can work it out.

Everybody at the service department has treated me nicely. I just don't think they comprehended the magnitude of the situation. I may be able to gain their attention now, thanks to the customer satisfaction surveyor. I'll keep you up to date as things develop.

Back in the early 80s we had a new Toyota mini van. Took it in to the dealer for its 3000 mile oil change and after they jerked us around for 2 days the truth finally came out.

They put the van on a lift that they must have used to change the oil on a Tercel and put a space heater right through the windshield!

You'd be surprized at the bozos that dealers have changing oil! Forget the dealer..find a good mechanic who will value the car like you do!

Good luck in getting it fixed. Stick to your guns!
Why not have them report it to thier Ins Co? You may do better if you do it that way. Id be afraid to let them repair it as they will do it as cheap as they can get away with. Make sure your 100% satisfied before you sign a relase. You tell them what you want; do not let them dictate to you. Hope this helps. Good luck
I would take the car to a local body shop get their cost and present that estimate to your dealer. I would not trust the dealer to do any repairs. Good luck, let me know how you make out.
Oh my ***! If that was my new blue Bird...they would have had to call the police to get me off the idiot that did that. If you don't get complete satisfaction from the dealership owner, I'd call the local TV or newspaper consumer advocates to get it handled. It's obvious there was some sort of pressure applied where it shouldn't have been. Was the door left open during the lift and descent? It sounds like maybe the door had something preventing it from going up or down with the rest of the car. And they didn't even bother to tell you about it? I would get a new car before I'd be happy about it.

Please keep us informed...

Debi in MI
2002 T-Bird blue
1997 Corvette black
1987 Cougar XR-7 black

You have my utmost sympathy, I know a little of how you feel, my idiot sister-inlaw backed into the front of my red bird yesterday in my mother-inlaw's driveway destroyed my vanity plate, the frame I just installed, the front mounting bracket and the screws were forced into the bumper creating very deep gouges. Her excuse "Oh I thought you'd left" Dumb b.... should at least look when backing.

Jim Williams
red/red/std blk premium #2 of 2 VIN 1FAHP60A62Y111592
Mass. tag JWBIRD

Originally posted by jawill2000:
backed into the front of my red bird yesterday in my mother-inlaw's driveway

Good thing a toddler or even adult person was not standing behind her, people should be extra careful when backing out of driveways, that is where a lot of accidents occur.
Her excuse "Oh I thought you'd left"

Was she blindfolded when she got in her car? How do you NOT SEE a car is parked behind you in a driveway?


Debi in MI
2002 T-Bird blue
1997 Corvette black
1987 Cougar XR-7 black
Dear Sir-Although I don't own a T-Bird,I have always driven unibody's and it never CEASES to amaze me the dimwits that DON'T KNOW THE **** JACKING POINTS!I ALWAYS follow my car to the lift and ensure they get it right!I've had mechanics jack a 1965 Mustang I owned up on the radiator support!Had another mechanic jack a 1967 Falkon SPorts Coupe on the rocker panels!Ford USED to dedicate an entire CHAPTER to jacking and hoisting for their 60's models-THAT'S how important they thought it was-Especially considering the two X-subframes on these new Bird's,I would be **** sure of the jack points!If you jack these cars on these subframes,I'll bet you'll bend them in a heartbeat-See my post on these subframes.I would be suing the dealership for GROSS INCOMPETENCY!There is NO EXCUSE for not properly hoisting a car!Hell,I jack my $25,000 1963 Falcon myself at my local shop-NO ONE ELSE DOES!That's how strongly I feel about this!Hope this helps!-Gearhead

What has happened with your situation? And what are they going to do about it?

I have printed out your pictures and a few of the replies to hand over to the service people when I get my oil changed soon. I know you must be heartbroken over this but thank you very much for sharing it with the rest of us. It may prevent other new birds from facing the same damages.

Debi in MI
2002 T-Bird blue
1997 Corvette black
1987 Cougar XR-7 black
I have been sitting on the sideline until I feel my situation has been resolved enough to give a useful reply.

They "fixed" the damage at the dealership body shop and wanted to get the car back in about 30 days to "buff it out." In the meantime, I think they have done a crappy job. They painted over the chipped paint without adequate filling and smoothing the finish. Now the new paint is fading in places and chipped in one place. The customer service rep and the body shop manager said that the dealership's general manager would be calling me to make sure I'm satisfied. I haven't heard a word from him yet and not optimistic I will. I'll probably give them one more chance to make me COMPLETELY happy. Then it looks like I'll have to get the job done myself and send them the bill or claim it on my insurance to let them subrogate the claim.

Obviously I'm very distressed about the whole situation, especially my perception of this dealers incompetence. I need to find a dealer near Raleigh I can trust to change my oil. *** forbid I'll need some serious work. If anyone has knowledge of a Ford dealer in this area, please let me know. I want a personal relationship with the mechanic who will service my car and this dealer refuses to even consider that. I love my car, but I'm just sick over all this.

THNDR B, you're probably sorry you asked now.


Not sorry at all that I asked. You have a real problem on your hands with this dealership. First, they don't even tell you about the damage. I hope the low-life oil changer lost his job at the very least! Then they only paint right over the raw metal that was clearly visible in your pictures with no attempt to hide the indentation caused by missing paint and clearcoat? I realize the dealership probably said they would fix the damage and wouldn't pay to have it done elsewhere, but they need to put it back like new or you should not be satisfied. Will your car insurance company give your bird a good going over to see about the frame and rocker panel? I'm sure they'd want it perfect too. Heaven forbid, but if damage there showed up in a future accident, then they'd have to fix it, right? It'd be in their best interest to make sure it was properly fixed now. Call them.

You have to make sure you are completely satisfied with the repairs. The owner of the dealership is not top dog. You can go higher and contact Ford Customer Service in Dearborn, MI about this if it's not done right. Then if you get any runaround, you should contact your local Consumer Advocates. Here in the Metro Detroit area, our Channel 7 (ABC) news will straighten out situations where the customer needs help because the companies won't listen. Just telling the dealership you intend to do this will make them take notice. They certainly don't want that bad publicity. Just for the heck of it, take your car to another Ford dealer in the area and ask the body shop manager what he thinks of your new paint job.

I showed my salesman what I printed out yesterday. He was appalled when I told him you were not even told about the damage. He assured me it couldn't happen here because they drive the entire car onto the lift. Then he gave me a card for a free oil change next week. Have they even explained to you exactly how it happened? Get mad and stay that way until they make it right. And GOOD LUCK!!!

Debi in MI
2002 T-Bird blue
1997 Corvette black
1987 Cougar XR-7 black
Originally posted by 02 TBRD:
Not that I'm a holy roller, but what's wrong with the word "***"? Why was it edited out of a previous post?

02 TBRD:
It's automated, not manual.

I know I will catch some flack from the atheists, but unlike many people, I believe that we did not make ourselves, nor did we come from a big bang. With that said:

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

5. Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.

6. Thou shalt not kill.

7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.

8. Thou shalt not steal.

9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbor's.

Saying stuff like "Oh My ***" GD, etc falls under there. I would rather people ise profanity, than to needlessly throw out our creator's name for absolutely no reason. Everyone who does not believe feel free to break as many of the above, but as for me, I'm putting my money on the fact that we will meet our Lord, and it's gonna take more than "praying the prayer" to get in. Eternity is a long time, anyone that has not put any thought into it might want to go to a few good churches a few times before you decide not to be a "holy roller".

We will all be 100 percent helpless and die one day, then everyone will have their cards they've played for their life on the table.

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