1962 Thunderbird steering gear box installation | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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1962 Thunderbird steering gear box installation

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Thunderbird Year
Received the car with the gearbox out not sure how it goes back in and where those insulators go that I've read about.? Could motor is out so should be pretty simple. The bolts come in from the fender side or from the engine compartment side? Thanks for your help any links to diagrams or YouTube would be great, thanks Rich

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Received the car with the gearbox out not sure how it goes back in and where those insulators go that I've read about.? Could motor is out so should be pretty simple. The bolts come in from the fender side or from the engine compartment side? Thanks for your help any links to diagrams or YouTube would be great, thanks Rich
Received the car with the gearbox out not sure how it goes back in and where those insulators go that I've read about.? Could motor is out so should be pretty simple. The bolts come in from the fender side or from the engine compartment side? Thanks for your help any links to diagrams or YouTube would be great, thanks Rich
I had to get my gear box rebuilt so I know how it goes in. its tricky but can be done.
remove brake master cylinder(disconnect lines so you won,t break the T like I did.
gearbox goes in from top shaft pointing up. undo motor mount bolts so you can jack up motor to make it easier.
I had to use a strap slung under gear and attached to hood hinge to position it. bushings should already be attached to gearbox. they do bolt though side fender.make sure steering wheel is straight find center position of gearbox and insert into steering coupler. I would also take cover off gearbox to make sure teeth are good before installing.
any questions e m ail me at amelectric@ymail.com
I have a badly leaking steering box on a 62 with power steering. I am trying to undo the nut on the bottom of the where the pitman arm attaches, but evn with a 4 foot breaker bar, I am only managing to turn the wheels!
Tomorrows job is to get an assistant to put their foot against a wheel while I have another go.
So, after a lot of fooling around, I got the steering box out, paid a fortune to have it rebuilt, and spent a lot of time with ropes, bits of timber and a set of p[ulleys to get the big sucker back in.
Now to replace the steering column stuff I took off.
In the picture below, the red arrow points to an arm that pulls down whn changing gear, that should I believe should engage the slotted metal just underneath it. You can see the wearing on this arm that suggests it did at one stage engage, but no more.
However, It almost appears as though the moving gear change section of the column has slipped too far down towards the floor.
I am unable to get it to engage at all.
Is there a way to adjust this arm?
I can't seem to work it out.
I have the Big Bird reference manual, but the drawing reproductions are a little fuzzy.
tbird gear lock.jpg
Well, Think I answered my own question this morning.
It seems that the lever is attached to the internal casing of the steering column (not the shaft itself).
When I undid the screws holding the shaft casing to the gear shift casing, there was a 1 inch by 3/8 slightly rounded plate that was tapped to hold two scews that fell out.
I reckon it seems this plate is supposed to hold the two casings together, abd also bring the park lock shaft further up the column.
Problem fixed when I reinstalled the plate.