Riddle me this Batman! Check this out, I put 7qts in with a new spin-on filter (because it was still 1qt low at 6qts. Ran the engine and checked the level, it was full. After thinking that was at least 1qt high I decided to drain it (also because the new oil plug gasket was leaking) and I only got out 5qts! OK, the filter must have 1/2qt so where did 1.5qts go? Maybe it blew it out so I checked the crankcase vent tube, no drips on the garage floor. I'm totally confused! I put the 5qts back in and it reads 1/4qt less than full. So like Doug mentioned it should take 5 1/2qts with a new spin-on filter. The book says 6qts with a filter but this might be with a canister type filter??? The last oil change it took 6qts with a new filter... corn-fused!
Dipstick all the way in. Tube snug in the block. Original dipstick. Original oil pan. Standard PH8 type filter.