fuel | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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  1. C

    1957 Gas Gauge won't move past empty

    With the ignition on, the gas gauge only slightly moves from pegged on the empty end to about the empty mark. The gauge needle moves about 1/8". There is about 1/2 tank of gas in the gas tank. I checked the gauge by grounding the wire that goes to the sending unit in the tank. The gauge goes...
  2. PaxAmericana

    57, where did the fuel in the carb bowl go? possible engine damage?

    After getting my carburetor rebuilt, I decided to let the fuel drain out of the bowls for long term storage as I fix the rest of the car. I unscrewed the fuel bowl bolts to do this, but there was no fuel in the primary fuel bowl. The secondary bowl drained fine. What happened to it? I have...
  3. zeroroadkill

    1955 292 w/Teapot stumbling

    Carb professionally rebuilt New gas tank Flushed fuel lines New fuel pump New fuel filter Max vacuum at idle Sometimes she will start out ok acceleration but today after all the fixes she started to stumble at 40mph on smooth acceleration. Had to pump her to keep running. Then she ran fine...
  4. Pete986

    '55 runs rough, backfires and stalls out at highway speeds

    I've been enjoying my '55 for the past few weeks, been driving it on local trips. I wanted to get it on the highway, now that I'm convinced all the gremlins have been worked out. Up to 60MPH, the car runs great, once I get it above 60, it starts bucking, backfiring, and eventually dies out. My...
  5. Patdown45

    1966 fuel line replacement

    Just received replacement fuel lines for my 1999 coupes hardtop with 390 engine. The old lines must have been hacked pretty bad as they don't look anything like their replacements. Wondering if there is some way of changing the front secton going to the fuel pump without pulling the fender off...
  6. Leannadanna

    Is there such a thing as too much octane? '96 4.6L LX Seafoam

    Hi! I have a '96 4.6L LX. Despite using high quality (Chevron) premium octane (91) fuel, as well as checking the oil regularly, my car makes an audible tapping noise and gets a little sluggish when accelerating from 2nd to 3rd. I've been experimenting with octane booster, first with regular...
  7. B

    351m wont start

    I have a 78 bird with 351 modified it spins over but wont start. acts like its not getting gas. new fuel pump no difference tore front of engine apart to check cam essentric all good there replaced timing chain while I had it tore apart. I got it all back together yesterday and still wont fire...