What is my 2002 worth?? | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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What is my 2002 worth??

  • Thread starter Thread starter dave2800
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Sorry Dave but I'm afraid I have some bad news for your friend. The car is worth about $24,000. I hope his $40,000 estimate on that webpage is a very old asking price. Brand new 2003s are readly available for $32,000 from Ford dealers.

Thanks for the info and the link. I will pass this along to him. I know the Wheels and Tires that he just put on it have 0 miles and he paid over $3000 for those alone.

Any idea why dealrs are listing them at up to $35,000?

"All I can tell you that hear in Florida they had 47 T Birds go thru auction and $24k was about average. Not many sold even at that price"

This post was from another site, name not mentioned

As far as the wheels wouldn't think they would bring much
even new. It would have to be that one special sole wanting

In our club someone sold a set of 00 Corvette wheels and tires
for $500. They just wanted them gone. It seem most would
rather pay a new price than buy someone rejects.

He is also going to be competing with all the 04 and some 03
still on dealer lots. At a local dealer 8 birds have been sitting
for 6 months now.
Ford owns a rental car company, and I think they put lots of cars they make there, if your car is available as a rental car, you can bet the resell with suck eggs.
Thanks to all of you for your input. He is not worried about selling it if the price is not right. He told me he will just keep in storage until such time is that he can get a good dollar for it.

After seeing some of the 02's on autotraderonline.com going to up to $42,000 I made some inquiries as to why and was told because the 02 was the first year it makes them more valuable.

I agree with whvt01 on the wheels. If they are not something you like they are not worth near as much.

tbird is right that most cars going at auction are rentals and don't bring near the dollars that a good quality certidied car will bring.

The last new t-bird I bought was an 87 Turbo coupe and it is still laying in my yard for years with a bad motor. That was a great car that I enjoyed but could never find the time to fix it back up.

Thanks for all the help.....

No one, repeat, no one is paying $42,000 for any Thunderbird, not a 2002, 2003 or even a 2004. Well maybe 42 for a new limited edition Pacific Coast Roadster. There were 31,000 2002 Thunderbirds made, all the 2003s and 2004s to date put together barely equal that number so the 2002 are the most plentiful of all. They also have the smallest engine, no heated seats, etc. If you want an accurate gage of what Thunderbirds (or anything else) go for see ebay completed auctions:


If your friend wants $40,000 for the car I think he would get his money sooner by selling it now for $24,000 and investing that money to get 4 percent a year. That way he will have $40,000 in less than 20 years which is far more than I think our Thunderbirds will be worth then.
In my opinion, I don't think that those wheels add anything to the car.
therefore, If he sells the car, put the original wheels back on and sell the aftermarket wheels separately. That way he'll get the most bang for his buck
Followed some of the links to Ebay. It sure seems like a lot
of tbird are for sale. That is compared to how few are being

In 2-3 years hard for some to bring 50% of there list. Also
many listers appear to be dealers. Which brings up another
question how many actual consumers brought one of the
cars (in the beginning). Starting to look like dealer see it
was a gamble and they lost, so trying to move the cars
out now that realize very little market for them.
Even a year ago you could get them for less. I paid 31.5 for mine in May. It was "used" with 121 miles on the odo. It is 2002 Yellow, the rarest of the 02s and it is a Premium (with hardtop etc) and has full accent interior (all options purchased). Sorry he can't do better with it.
There isn’t any question we all are disappointed in the resale value but at some point it has to level off. $30,000 to $40,000 for an impractical car may put off a lot of people but at some price, maybe $20,000, people have to start snapping them up as funmobiles or collector cars.
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