First off I want to thank Ward 57 for starting this thread
I have wanted to post what have have done but have been too busy with other projects
Finally did some work to the bird
Since the last post was in December, it took a while to find.
Perhaps the thread could be a sticky to make it more visible to the group
My 57 has been using oil since I picked it up in 2016
It was noticed to give a puff a smoke on first start up and after letting off the gas going down a hill.
I did a compression test and had 160-165 on all cylinders.
So I replaced the valve guide seals with umbrella style
Had 3 that were totally gone others were half gone
Fairly simple process once I found a valve spring compressor that would work.
Because there are no rocker studs I had to use a simple spring compressor, note the staggered jaws.
The rocker arms come off as a complete assembly.
I used an old compressor tester hose and shop air to keep the valves up.
I haven’t had a chance to check the oil consumption but will once the weather cooperates
And report back.