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We're listed in Yahoo!

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Just noticed that we were getting hits from Yahoo today, and sure enough, we are listed in the directory now!

Watch out Dot, I'm catching up! <grin>



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Some intersting comments on that yahoo site. Clearly, many had never even driven a 'Bird" let alone owned one, but as newer comments came in, the atitude changed remarkably. As far as I can tell, there was one actual owner that hated the car, that's the first owner I've seen that didn't like it. THere is other interesting reading at the **** site as well. If you have time, read their message section.
They just don't get it on the earlier post there. If they don't like it then don't buy one. Some of them should take a look at this board, I think we out number the nay sayers.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!
Watch out Dot, I'm catching up! <grin>

I didn't even know I was in their "yahoo" directory - tried for months and they kept putting me in their "geocities" directory, so I gave up looking for it in the yahoo directory.
Originally posted by thenewtbird2:
I didn't even know I was in their "yahoo" directory

That is one nice thing about traffic reports, I saw http://dir.********* as a referrer, and immediately knew that we were listed.

I have never understood why people who don't like this car, don't have this car, and don't want this car would make the effort to find a BB that just deals with this particular car and spend so much time posting messages about this car.

I really have no patience for the kind of idiocy I saw on that Yahoo site.
I couldn't agree more. It's one thing to own it, then hate it, it's quite another to voice such strong opinions on it without trying it. Sure, design is a personal thing and I understand if someone doesn't like the looks, but any other comment is without merit unless you have driven it and in some cases, inless you've owned it.
Originally posted by DavidA:
RTBIRD: Go to the first site "Ford Thunderbird New Car Guide" then to read used's reviews. The comments are there. Enjoy!

That is run by Yahoo! so they can make money off price quote requests.

I suggest that we all follow DavidA's directions (see his reply to me) to the site and submit a review. After reading over all of them it certainly looks as if some good, honest hands on replies are in order.

Follow this link: Thunderbird Reviews


I did not think of this until later and Yahoo will only allow one review to be posted and you can not edit a previous post. If someone else decides to post, it might be a good idea to make a reference to this site, giving a short explination of what this site is.

I was going to post that this site has about 500 members, many of which have a Bird in hand and that it is a good source of info on the new Bird. If you copy and paste the url into the post, it will show up as a direct link.

Gobird, your 2 cents cracked me up.

With our input, the most recent reviews are solid 5 stars. I hope everyone here will go and set the record straight.

I think that if enough of us reply to this we will flood the survay with 4 and 5 star ratings. To everyone on here that likes their Bird it is your civic duty to post the truth about our Birds. What are you waiting for!!!
Some of these people just don't see the light and we have to show it to them!!

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!

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