Way OT- I need your help! 5 Minutes.

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Last seen
Mar 15, 2001
Thunderbird Year
Okay, guys forgive me, I need some help from the general public. With it being Easter and all, I'm going to slide this one in.

We have three layouts for a church site, don't pay attention to the old, new, www part because they have been switched around. We need normal folks like you, to tell us which looks best. Please post and make sure you look at the Promise Kids. Also, all three sites are under construction, so we are mainly talking about the general layout.

1) http://www.faithpromise.org
2) http://new.faithpromise.org
3) http://old.faithpromise.org

Remember, new does not mean new, old does not mean old, we need good opinions.


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I think that I like the "old" one because it is less graphics intensive for people that are using dial-up modems. I do like the looks of the "new" one though and it works quickly with my DSL line.
tbird, well I'm not much of a church type person but as far as the sites go that you listed I think I would vote for the second one on your list.
My preference is "old". Sometimes old is better but in this case the reason is that it loads quickly, presents pertinent info and looks good.

An improvement suggestion would be to left justify the layout so that someone with 640x480 resolution will see full layout. BTW, I think for this type of application (lots of users who aren't up to latest computer technology) 640x480 is the right choice.

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I found the #2 homepage to be too cluttered and hard to focus attention on. Probably because of the all white background for all columns. Graphics weren't too long to download on my dialup modem at 28K
#1 is uninviting - too simple,
#3 is pretty "clean" & focus's attention on the main event but doesn't invite one to explore the other pages.
I'd work on #2 more as I think it has the most potential.
Very impressed by all three. Actually, I like number two, and to complicate this, without the video preceding the page. I particularly like this page because it gives an inviting message, plenty of data, and it is non-threatening, and it shows a picture of your pastor! But again, all are great!

Have a Great Easter: 1Cor15:17!

Originally posted by thenewtbird2:
I found the #2 homepage to be too cluttered and hard to focus attention on. Probably because of the all white background for all columns.

Thanks for that feedback, a little color in the cells might do the trick!
Bump! Common, folks, anyone that can see, look at the sites. Also, I'm concerned with the look and feel, not your religious beliefs. All feedback is needed. Thanks for those who responded!

Guess I'm simple minded but I like the #1 choice for its simplicity.


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My preference is also #1...very user friendly...while the others are good, they appear too cluttered.

Jim (Eph. 3:16-21)
I think @2 is the better one however, I would offer a 'SimpleSite' link as an option for those with slower connections - keep em both!

Steve W
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