USA Today Article/Vote

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7:35AM eastern . . . we are ahead by a Nudo hide. vote early and often
Thanks for the polling info. The T'Bird is now in 1st Place, where it belongs! Hooray for the NUDOS and our ability to vote as often as we want to. Were the NUDOS in CHICAGO during the 1960
Presidential Election?

I always do the right thing and vote. More then once if I can.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!
Wow even us canucks can vote!
As a conservative Canadian I would never vote more than once!

A big HI to all you Democrats!

Actually I am a Liberal, remember Trudeau???

I am sure a real Conservative supporter would vote more than once. Remember Mulroney!!
As long as they don't count the votes like Florida republicans, we should do okay!

Blue/Blue Premium
Full Interior Accent
Production #3944 VIN#103847
" Gotta Love It "
TX Lic# " BLUBRD "
The Bird still has it right now by about 4%. GET OUT THE VOTE.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!

I smell a Gary Whitaker in this voting mess....I just went back and voter another 10 times, using the "back" feature to save some time. By the time I could vote once, 20 more votes had been registered. Somebody's set up an auto-vote (no pun intended!!!) program, or there is more time on someone's hands than they should have!
It's just not fair, those foriegn lobbyists a.k.a. Nissan 350z enthusiasts just have more time to burn at the computer than us North American car enthusiasts.( I felt obligated to include our neighbors to the north, especially since I grew up in Buffalo, NY ) Keep Voting!!!!

Blue/Blue Premium
Full Interior Accent
Production #3944 VIN#103847
" Gotta Love It "
TX Lic# " BLUBRD "
OK, think about this. The T-Bird has won so may awards this year do we really care. Come on now, we all know what we have and does it really matter what ONE pole says. I've got mine and most of you have yours so who cares any more. Driving it is the important part.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!
The only way the Nissan whateveritis can be in front of the Thunderbird is a result of a flood of cheap imported Japanese votes.
Rice burners should be in a different category.
IT'S THE NUDO VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

neiman vin#00035
delivered October 4, 2001
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