My brother who works for a large local dealer group ran auction results for me about two weeks ago. Seven new Tbirds went through the dealer auctions in mid to late September, early October. Prices ranged from $6500 to $51000. A friend sold his Niemann Marcus edition to a local Ford dealer (not mine) for $70000 PLUS a $35000 F250 Pick-up. My wife says we are not parting with ours regardless of what they are bringing at auction. A friend ordered theirs about the time we ordered oursw (ours was delivered 9/28,#1768). They were originally tols Sept delivery, then Nov, then Jan now April. Ours is great. It is red, and we can't go anywhere without attracting attention. We have the only one in our area-we are north of Baltimore. The only other one I have seen was in Charlestohn SC area last week.