Stainless strips for deck area-Results-Need your input | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Stainless strips for deck area-Results-Need your input

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
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Passed Away July 25, 2015
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Thunderbird Year
I have had the QAA stainless strips on for one year now and 3000+ miles. Results follow, but I need your input as to your results:

O There was some black marking on the strips but that was from the gasket.
O Those came off with chrome polish. 😉
O There are slight scratches in various areas of the strips, but negligible. Especially when you consider that they could have been in the paint.
O There were some very slight marks on the paint where the gasket may have over lapped the stainless.
O There was no damage to the gasket itself.

Since I participated in the design of these strips with QAA, I shared my results with them. They have asked that I bring the car down to show them the results. Quite possibly they may make a wider side strip. However, I would like input from the membership here, first, to see if anyone has similar experience.
I am looking specifically for measurements, like from edge of car to the scratch, if the scratch is past your stainless strip. Also where exactly any marks may be , on your paint.
I plan to go there next week and would appreciate any info you may have.

As a side note, I do believe that I will use the Mylar strips, over the stainless, in the furure, for nothing more than to protect it. Than remove the maylar when the hardtop comes off again.

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My results are pretty much the same as yours.

Overall, I am quite happy with the strips - I would be extremely happy if they were somewhat wider, especially in the curved, side area where the scratching seems to be most prevalent.

They give the car a finished look with the top off and soft boot cover installed.

I will not put the mylar strips back on at all as they just look terrible to me and are a 'mickey mouse' fix IMHO.


(PS - If they make a wider strip I would hope that they would offer a concession to those who previously purchased the current strips)
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I haven't gone over to QAA yet. I was waiting for more membership input. If none is forthcoming then I'll have to go with what I have.
This week is out though, since I'll be away Friday thru Monday
I have two questions about the strips.......are they stainless steel or chrome?? second question.......once you put them on the car, are they there for good, or can you take them off if you need or want to do that???
The strips are not plastic. These are a mirror finished stainless steel which looks just like chrome. They are 26 gage, so not very thick.

These are as permenant as you want them to be. Mine are on 1 1/2 year now. This fall I plan on using the Ford mylar strips over the stainless just because I have them and it adds protection for the mirror finish.

Yes, you can take them off. Using light heat from a hair dryer and a 12-20" long fishing line/catgut. Slide the line under the strips and use it as if flossing.
As the line proceeds, the strip will come up. Just slide a paper or rag under it, as you go, to prevent re-adhering. But, they will be no good for re-use.
Once the strip is off it may leave some gummy residue. I've used alcohol and water, but there is a 3m solution or "Goo Begone" to get that off. I have had no paint damage as a result of taking off adhesive backed parts.
If you decide to buy them, before you put them on the deck, just run a cloth around edges surface. If it's rough, just take a fine sandpaper or emery cloth to the edges only, to smoothe them out.
Why? During the laser cutting process, the optics get dirty from the dust and outgassing from the tapes. When this happens you could have rough spots. You cannot see them but can find them with a polishing cloth, so it's best to remove prior to adhering to the car. OR, when you order them tell them that you want them to ensure the the edges are free from roughness.
The people at QAA have been super to TBird owners. I hear lots of positives at car shows.
I hope I've answered your questions. Good luck. 🙂
Has there ever been a poll to find out how many owners have installed the stainless steel strips for the hardtop protection........i wonder if anyone has installed them on a cashmere bird........... 😕 😕
TBird Concepts----need Phone number/address

I am trying to order the Hardtop Protection Trim---my E-Mail attempts to them come back--not deliverable. Does anyone have a phone number for them?


Leroy Lemmerhirt
lnew member in Texas---Red 2003

If it's the QAA strips you want their phone number is 800-343-8329.

BTW, the email address is but I always like to talk with a human.
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