Be that as it may, just what do you think you have to offer to this board. Sense it is NOT going anywhere t-bird.
For myself, I feel that I can give some limited experties on being a back yard mechanic for around 40 yrs.
I also hope I give some levity to the forum now and then. Hope no hard feelings about that.
I can be a determind individual and maybe a little stubbron about things. I get this I think because I chair the safety committee for my union where I work and sometimes you have to be that way to get things done.
This T-Bird Is a passion with me. It is the car that I've wanted sence 1957 and now I have one. I am determed to have it right. After all I've waited for 45 years for THIS CAR.
So, if you dare, please tell us what you think about what you give to this board.
02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
a dog a cat and a couple hundred fish in my pond