New Web Site Feature - Owner Registry

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Last seen
Mar 15, 2001
Thunderbird Year
I just finished up the database for the Owner's Registry. I will have a page for owners to enter their car information and it will be displayed at

After the information is entered, it is instantly put into the database, and as soon as it is validated, it will appear.

I am waiting for the rest of the data from JodRod and it should be a go.


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Just heard from tbird, he is going away to party some and won't have the full registry up for a little while, however, he does now have all the data that I have.
Originally posted by RTBRD:
Just heard from tbird, he is going away to party some and won't have the full registry up for a little while, however, he does now have all the data that I have.

RODS! RODS! RODS! Bumper to bumper!
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