More money than sense!

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I saw a report on the early news tonight that some dude had paid $71,000 at an auction to purchase the last Camaro off of the line------he COULD have bought a Bird and had something REALLY valuable and had $$ left over!

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Don't want to ruffle any feathers but there is an old saying: "there's a sucker born every minute" or something like that. In our local paper there was an ad recently for a 2002 Thunderbird from Canada. "Only 2000 built. $75,000 firm."

No, I didn't call and have no idea of any interest. Just seems over the top!
Originally posted by HeelBird:
I saw a report on the early news tonight that some dude had paid $71,000 at an B]

If Bill Gates paid $71,000 for this Camaro would that make him stupid or filthy rich?

Can't take it with you.... some people just have more money than they can spend. Might as well enjoy it, you won't be taking it with you when you kick the bucket.
One detail is that the car he bought was not the very last Camaro produced. It was the second-to-last. GM is keeping the very last one for its own museum. In any event, some people just have too much money.
I wish I had to live with the problem of too much money.What a horrible burden to bear!:D

Blue/Blue Premium
Full Interior Accent
Production #3944 VIN#103847
" Gotta Love It "
TX Lic# " BLUBRD "
Originally posted by WJR1007:
I wish I had to live with the problem of too much money.What a horrible burden to bear!:D

I think plenty of songs have convered that you can never have too much money or too much lovin.
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