History Channel show on Thunderbird

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There was a great show on the History Channel tonight. "Ultimate Autos - Thunderbird" is not to be missed. Includes all T-birds upto and including the 2002. This is an hour-long program that is worth the hour to look at it. It was on at 8:00 p.m. and will be repeated at midnight tonight. Watch it or record for later, I don't think you will be disappointed.

For those who miss this show, it is available on Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000687I4/?tag=thunderbirdforum-20

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Thanks much for the heads up on the Thunderbird show. I was getting ready to hit the rack at 2330 and decided to take one last look at the website. Suffice to say that I didn't get to bed before 0100. But the show was definitely worth it.

I work in Tampa and live in Crystal River. Have a red Bird. Hope to meet you some day.

Oh rats -- I don't have cable! If anyone knows when this will be shown again, please post it!
If you want to buy the tape, there are two of them. They sent me the wrong one and when I called to get the correct one, I paid extra for the first one and kept it too. Both tapes are great, the tapes are:

Ultimate Autos - Thunderbird #AAE 43296
Automobiles - The Thunderbird #AAE 40093


VIN #7729, seq.#7505, blue premium,
partial blue interior, no top, Louisville Ky.
I have not seen the program but Pete Trozzo called me to tell me that Steve Legel was in this program and that the show was very informative. Steve is one of our forum members.
Thanks Chris. It was wonderful to help with both the Mike Lamm book, and the History Channel program. I thought my part would be used as filler, or edited out altogether. The program airs from time to time, and you can check the History Channel web site for month at a glance program guide
Originally posted by KYbluebird:
Both tapes are great, the tapes are:

Ultimate Autos - Thunderbird #AAE 43296
Automobiles - The Thunderbird #AAE 40093

KYbluebird, can you briefly describe the differences in the two tapes? I could probably go to the history channel website but I'd be interested in a viewer's viewpoint.
I'll quote from the online store:

Ultimate Autos - Thunderbird #AAE 43296 is the new one; "Ford's President and CEO helps tell the story of the rise, fall and rebirth of an All-American classic." The 2002 is in this one.

Automobiles - The Thunderbird #AAE 40093 is an older one; "It is a pop-culture icon, a constant presence in movies and music-and for slightly more than 40 years, it was one of Ford's most popular and successful cars."

The older one was made in 1995 and has better info on the different birds through the years. The new one compares the 02 to the originals. It tells more about the bird's production history.

VIN #7729, seq.#7505, blue premium,
partial blue interior, no top, Louisville Ky

Thanks, Ron. Perhaps you saw on another thread where I expressed my dismay at the new TV commercial narrated by Bill Ford. He talks about the T-bird being so "cool" -- this makes the commercial decidedly uncool IMO. So I'm not too sure I would like the History Channel tape -- I just hate it when CEOs let their egos run wild and they get in front of the camera (notable exception goes to the late Dave Thomas of Wendy's hamburgers). So instead of buying the tape, I think I'll keep my eye out for it on the History Channel and then invite myself over to someone's house who has cable TV (I don't) to check it out.

Thanks again!
The CEO on the history channel tape is Jac Nasser. It was made before Bill Ford Jr. took the helm. They also have extensive footage of interviews with J Mays and other designers of the new T-Bird (Ted Finney, Nancy Gioia, et al), and with Frank Hershey (designer of the original). If you haven't worked yourself into a lather over Nasser, and if you love T-Birds, it really is a great tape. If you HAVE a new T-Bird, it's a must.

niteflight, thank you for the clarification. I think I'll take the plunge on this tape after all. Interviews with the designers sounds great. I suppose I can deal with the CEO aspect of it -- I just can't understand why Ford Motor or any other company thinks their CEOs have some sort of star quality or consumer appeal.
Originally posted by thaser:
Thanks, Ron. Perhaps you saw on another thread where I expressed my dismay at the new TV commercial narrated by Bill Ford. He talks about the T-bird being so "cool" -- this makes the commercial decidedly uncool IMO. Tom

I like the commercials myself. I don't see the comparison between Wendys and Ford. Ford has been around for a long time, and I think it is kind of cool that his great grandson is the CEO now. Not many companies fair through depressions and stock crashes. I guess since I know a little about Dave Thomas since he started here in Knoxville, TN at Regas, I find them hard to compare. Ford makes you feel American.
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