Have you ever experienced "normal" driving with your 2002 Thunderbird? | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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Have you ever experienced "normal" driving with your 2002 Thunderbird?

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I've had the pleasure of driving the new Thunderbird since last September and there has never been a time that I would just get in the car and drive somewhere without the car getting attention from other drivers or pedestrians. Perhaps it is because I am in a tourist market and there are always "new" people around. There's always a wave or a thumbs up from other motorists. There's always a pedestrian on a sidewalk or in front a store that starts pointing at the car for his or her friends to see. I thought that the novelty of the car would have begun to wear some by now, but I was wrong. Just this morning, two different motorists have stopped at my office and asked to look at the Thunderbird parked out front. Are you still having these kinds of experiences? Or, is anyone now just driving in traffic without much notice from others?

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A tourist area we are not, and I still get the "look", the wave, and all of the attention just driving around our small town. Same reaction on the highway. The design is timeless and exotic at the same time, so I don't see the response changing for the foreseeable future. There aren't enough of "us" out there for the Bird to become anything but an entertaining novelty for the "have-nots".

Was at a stop light with the top off with a pickup next to us. A little dog with a kerchief tied around his neck stuck his head out the window and barked at me.

Now, I am not fluent in doggie language, but I am fairly sure he said, "Wow, what a nice car. I would sure like to chase that car!"

VIN 106587 White, White, with chrome hood scoop bezel
I don't think you will see this happen for at least the first two years. They are spread too far and few between and we will get this reaction for quite a while.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!
In New York City Sunday to pick up my daughter at 88 Greenwick. You know New Yorkers not much excites them. Well 3 diffrent goups of people waved , thumbs up and hay grate car
I drive my car on average 3 times a week to work. Sometimes more, sometimes less depending on the weather with the last month being with the top down. I can't say it gets a reaction EVERY time, maybe about half the trips. Of course, I can't see everyone's reaction, these are just the ones I notice or people who get my attention. It seems to go in spurts, I can go 2 or 3 days without notice, then get three reactions in an hour. But it really is not a constant occurrence. Maybe because in Detroit, people aren't as amazed by them since the auto industry is so prevalent.

It's not why I bought it (I bought it just because it's gorgeous), but yes, daily. A strange woman approaches me on the sidewalk while I wait at a light; "I just want to tell you that I think this is the most beautiful car on the road.", 2 women at a cross walk while I wait at a light: One says to the other (with no attempt not to be heard) "Oh my God, look at that car!" The woman at the espresso stand tells me "You're famous. Everybody asks about the guy in the red T-Bird.". I drop a coworker off at his house. His neighbor comments from the porch. A few days later at work he tells me "I'm famous in my neighborhood now for being dropped off in your car." Countless thumbs up on the road, some people just about going nuts. People at the store. People at the gas station. It's really phenomenal. But I suspect most of you know this well by now.
My dad always told me that this isn't a word. But AIN'T it great.

02 T-Bird 9293
69 Vette
73 MGB
97 F-150 4x4
2-Seadoo Jet Skies
Live Long and Prosper!
There is no such thing as a normal drive in this car. It draws attention everywhere we go. Yesterday I was at a resturant and walked out to smoke. The ten minutes I was out there eight people stopped to look at mine. I call them "tourist" because they are sightseeing. When we left and my wife and I were walking toward the car a couple was looking at it. I hit the trunk button to stow her doggie bag and they almost slithered away like they didn't want us to know they were admiring the car. I've also had three times when it looked like we were becoming "commonplace." All were at intersections when I was one of two T-Birds.

William Gardner
Blk/Blk/Partial Red
i think it is the classic look mixed with the modern look that brings on the attention. everywhere i go people ask about the car or like tonight when i was riding down the street and the guy in the sebring leans out and says "fine ride". i sure do enjoy it and it seems to not have an age barrier, as old and young alike have good things to say about the style.
The thing I hear most are four little words "I love your car" I'd have to say it gets more attention than the classic birds do. A while back I parked the car by the sidewlk in Seaside,Oregon, then went across the street and sat on a bench watching all the people look at it. If they stuck their head in the window I would punch my rewmote and make the horn honk. FUN FUN FUN.
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