BASF vs Dupont Paint | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models

BASF vs Dupont Paint

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I have heard rumors about the paint changing early on in production from BASF to Dupont. Would anyone know at what vin this changed and why Ford would change the paint.. Were there quality problems?.. I have a pre 500 vin..

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They changed around late June/early July. The DuPont paint is harder and resists chipping better.

By the way see my thread "VINs/Date/Destinations", I don't think I have you listed. I would like the info on your car if you don't mind.
You may not be able to tell by your VIN# if it has the basf or dupont as they mixed VIN#'s during early production but you may have paper work that lists that date. Many of the NM models weren't built until July and August and they have low vin#s ie #26-225.
Other than the new paint being harder, is there any variation or improvement in the colors?

When you change from one manufacturer to another there are often variations in the hues. Of course Black will always look black, but there are countless shades of Reds and Yellows... not to mention metallic colors like TBird Blue.

Has anyone at the factory compared the two?

TBIRD II - My License Plate
# 9476 - No delivery date yet...
In regard to the change over to DuPont- that happened after summer shut down- mid July.

The switch was due to customers wanting a paint that was less resistant to chipping.

There is no noticiable color variation between the two brands.

I hope this helps answers your questions.
Thanks Pooh!

The switch was due to customers wanting a paint that was less resistant to chipping.

I assume that was a typo, you may have meant "more resistant", but it was understood never the less.

Thanks again.

TBIRD II - My License Plate
# 9476 - No delivery date yet...
Dear WixomPooh, Thank you for your help..The only date I have is on the door 4/01.. after having the car for a few weeks I noticed scratches in the paint that I thought came from the Ford T-Bird cover the dealer had givin me as a little gift. ( it's like paper). I have since purchased a new cover from california car cover... I'm trying to figure out if the paint is going to be a problem down the road..
Yep... that was a typo... customers wanted paint that would not chip so easily.... sorry about that

If the scratches are not deep they usually can be polished out using a "polish" not wax and a whole lot of elbow grease or a polisher. If that doesn't work- then that area will need to be wet sanded and then polished.
Thanks for the info... I will have the car polished and see what happens... I'm trying not to put a buffer on the car... I think I'll just wait to see what happens.. The car is a fair weather car.. It should never see rain or snow.... Thanks Again.. "Happy New Year!!!"..
Word to the unwary about the clearcoat finishes and buffers:

Do not use a power buffer at home to polish the paint-you'll get very fine scratches in the clearcoat that will allow dirt to get underneath, and detach the clearcoat from the base color coat.

A lesson learned the hard way!!

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