My thanks to all of u for volunteering to assist a newbie stranger. I've given a lot of thought to all your comments. Your ideas r good and have even gotten me thinking of other things as well.
At this moment I'm undecided. As i said, perfect solutions r elusive.
If any1 else comes along, and sees the thread, and has an idea, it will be rec'd+read+acknowledged w/ appreciation.
Due 2 the current so-so condition of the car, and due 2 the fact I've never had it o'night anywhere besides my home or the home of friends (neither of which is theft-proof but r theft-less-likely), the ultimate solution will be an easily installed + easily accessed but hidden key on the vehicle. Odds of a very rare lockout r higher than odds of a more rare theft attempt. As i said in older T'birds a magnetic key box likely would've sufficed but on the '03 there r essentially no metal surfaces with both ez reach + ez installation of a hidden key.
Either now or next time wife or i r locked out of the car we'll be 2 old or o'wise unable to shimmy underneath a low-2-the-road chassis like a T'bird. As i said b4, unfortunately FOBs/remote entry isn't the solution or prevention in this unique instance. I'm motivated, and will come to a resolution, but not b4 exhausting all possibilities. Thanks again to all of u