On the maf, if you was still running on the
oem one, a brand new cheap one would probably do better than the one your on, and it will help sort things out while going thru all this, I hope you bought the whole assembly, two clamps, a plug-in and your on your way.........
On the cold start idle, mine goes right to about 1200, then slowly slides down and then wants to hold at around 900, all that takes approx. 15 secs., I'd have to wait for a while, long while, for it to drop to any kind of what I would call a normal idle..........On a warm engine, I'm probably 650 in gear and 700 in park, now I say all this because this is how your idle positions should be or real close to it.........Let me throw this in here, have you ever swapped the throttle position sensor ?, I mention this because you said that if you let it sit there and idle for a while, it picks up about 150 rpm's, seems like only the pcm or the tps could do that........
I hate to say it, but if we have a new IAC, a properly working MAF, a properly working TPS, only the pcm can do that to your idle........
Now the only pcm's we've tried so-far is the
oem one that we took out and now using the flagship one pcm currently right ?
This is what happened to me, in the last 6 months I've went thru 6 different pcm's, 2 of them worked great, 2 of them idled ok but would not shift right(missing either 1st or 2nd gear), 1 of them had a 500 rpm right after a cold start so I did'nt even go for a test drive on that one, and that's leaves me the last one, the one I bought from flagship one, although it had a different catchcode and they told me all was ok, I run on that pcm for 300 miles, started up, run fine, I thought the up-shifts were a tad firmer than normal but all thru this 300 miles, I put up with a low idle(2 foot bit all the time) about 500 in park and nearly 400 in gear if Iet it......This almost sounds like what your going thru with you idle...........Put that maf on, consider how old is your tps, and sadly better start looking at some used pcm's
on ebay because on all these pcm's I've tried on my bird, if it does'nt show a 1100-1200 rpm on a cold start, try another pcm and like I said I've found 2 that run and idle the way it should.........