1969 thunderbird | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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1969 thunderbird

  1. GratsundFreunden

    1969 Windshield wipers won't turn off

    Recently got my 1969 4-door to start consistently. Whenever I go to turn it over, the windshield wipers come on, & stay on. Even when I flip the switch to off, they still go back & forth I think it's a damaged relay or something like that, any input for a fix to this issue?
  2. Tbird 4 004.jpg

    Tbird 4 004.jpg

    Picture taken from my balcony in mural's 'early stages, (which is what I 'saw'), after all the times of looking down and seeing 'a big BLANK canvas' sittin' there! ... Of course, if the 'Bird was any OTHER color than 'Diamond blue' (which is 9/10ths 'White'!), - THIS Prro-obably wouldn'tve...
  3. Emblazoned

    69 T Bird won't start after new battery

    Hi all, New to the forum, recently came into a 69 T Bird 429 jet mostly original parts. Having issues getting it going. Tried to jump it when I first got and engine almost turned over but not luck. Once I swapped in a new battery I would get nothing when turning the ignition. No cranking or...
  4. M

    1969 Thunderbird Exhaust Leak

    I just recently bought a 1969 thunderbird. It runs and drives. But there is one weird thing about it. When I put her in drive exhaust leaks into the cabin of the car. Not a little but absolutely fills the car. I can change the air conditioning dial and it changes where the exhaust flows in from...