We are located close enough to KSC to see the Shuttle launch. Just watched it go up and the SRB exhaust glowing orange in the rising morning sun is something to behold. As it rises into the upper atmosphere the glow goes from orange to brilliant white, almost silver. I was able to follow it all the way over the horizon.
We build the main engine control computer here at our facility and during launch it is in command of the Shuttle. It still gives me goose bumps every time I see one go up, I think that I have only missed 5 or 6 launches (unfortunately one that I didn't miss was Challenger).
We have supplied some type of system on every manned space flight and have a 100% mission success rate and the trend continues!
I love my job.
We build the main engine control computer here at our facility and during launch it is in command of the Shuttle. It still gives me goose bumps every time I see one go up, I think that I have only missed 5 or 6 launches (unfortunately one that I didn't miss was Challenger).
We have supplied some type of system on every manned space flight and have a 100% mission success rate and the trend continues!
I love my job.

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