1956 Bird Early or Late | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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1956 Bird Early or Late

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cwwaddell
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I have a 56 bird and have been asked by parts suppliers if it's an early or late version. How do I tell? VIN is 297588

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based on that vin, yours is a late car. The problem with "early" vs "late" is that it can change depending on the part. there was not one point where they divide the early or late cars. Changes were made to things at different times. Therefore the early and late is more of a means of identifying the change to a particular part rather than being a change of all the early and late parts. The easiest early/late change to identify is the automatic transmission. The start of production for the 56 cars, the transmission was air cooled. During the production year, the transmissions were water cooled and had cooling lines from the transmission to the radiator. The 55 model year seemed to have more changes. the exhaust ports were changed from a donut to a fluted final. There were differences in the top plate for the soft top, there was also some hammer forming of the hood to stop interference with the radiator, etc. The changes were made at different times, so there is no one date to differentiate between the early and late cars.
I have the same problem with my '57. It's an early build and the engineers were making all kinds of changes while trying to use up leftover '56 parts. Kind of a zombie car. Trying to get it back to as close as original as possible without going overboard. It's a driver so I'm not going for concours points. But have something to point out in local meets. ( haven't done that yet ) .
Well before posting another question on this, I still fail to understand where I could place my ‘57 in the early or late category. Especially for the parts issues.

My serial number is easy 200081
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From your serial number, I'd say your early '57, but don't take my word on that. Typically a parts seller for these older rides might know or allow you an exchange if you order the wrong part.
Well before posting another question on this, I still fail to understand where I could place my ‘57 in the early or late category. Especially for the parts issues. For example: Was looking at a power steering control valve..it is defined and ‘57 early and another ‘57 late.

My serial number is easy 200081
Also check the build date. I think the dividing line was around April or May. I wish I knew where I saw the information. There is also a difference in the data plate. The early had a larger plate with the ser. # in the upper right and the build info on the bottom and the patent numbers in between. Ther is also a raised scallop around the rivets where the later ones were all flat.
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Well before posting another question on this, I still fail to understand where I could place my ‘57 in the early or late category. Especially for the parts issues. For example:

My serial number is easy 200081
Patent data plates are located on the firewall of the engine compartment near the heater duct. There were two basic styles used between 1955 and 1957 models. The large data plates were used on all 1955-56 Thunderbirds and 1957 models until mid-April. The small data plate was phased in during the week of April 15 to April 19, 1957. The smaller data plates were then used on 1957 models until the end of production of the 1957 Thunderbirds Dec. 13, 1957. The small data plates starting in April 1957 did not show the destination code or scheduled Item number. On the smaller data plates the transmission type and rear axle ratio were shown following the date code.


1955 Thunderbird Blue
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