I don't know of an overall kit, but if you were to contact Bill Evanoff at
www.supercoupeperformance.com, he can set you up with everything that you need. Having done this on a couple Thunerbirds, I would recommend using urethane for the
rack and pinion bushings, 4 (2 on each side) rear strut rod bushings. The rack bushings will just give you a better feel of the road (steering response and feedback) and the rear strut rod bushings go bad seemingly a lot faster than any of the other bushings. The urethane will just last longer in there. All the rest of the bushings you can use the stock rubber ones and you won't sacrifice any comfort. Also, if you can, don't forget to go with new spring perches as well. Those are rubber and after several years they are just flat, offering no benefit at all. But in order to do those, you have to remove the springs from the front shocks.
Also, I strongly urge you to also replace the front sway bar bushings while you are doing that. They are on the subframe just under where the engine is mounted. You won't notice a huge improvement in handling, unless all your bushings are replaced.
That pretty much sums it up. Are you going to perform the bushing replacements or have someone do it for you?