fuel pump | Ford Thunderbird forum club group 1955-2005 models
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fuel pump

  1. cliffcostello

    2003 Engine Cranks but will not start

    OK, I did something really stupid!!! I had my 2003 Thunderbird running (to warm up the engine) and while it was running, I was in the engine bay, fuse box, looking for a blown fuse. I pulled a 15 amp fuse, and the engine died. The fuse wasn't blown, so I turned the key off, put the fuse back...
  2. zeroroadkill

    1955 T-Bird fuel pump installation

    Ok gang any hints on how to get this POS fuel pump back in? What a PITA! Already ruined 3 gaskets! I must have been lucky last time but not this time. Tried to rotate the cam lobe to different positions to no avail. Even tried using a metal blade to guide the lever under the lobe! HELP!
  3. biddle

    2002 2003 2004 2005 Ford Thunderbird Fuel Pump 4W4Z9H307AA

    MODERATOR NOTE: You can purchase the main passenger side replacement fuel pump entire assembly here- 2002 model- Purchase link 4W4Z9H307AA - Click here for eBAY or Amazon- https://amzn.to/2R8yWQK 2003-05 models- Purchase link 3W4Z9H307AC- Click here for eBay or Click Here for Amazon...
  4. 7

    1972 fuel pump replacement

    I'm 16 and got my dream car just last week and I had it in the shop to replace the gas tank (was rusted inside but not outside), fuel sending unit, gas lines, and fuel filter, because the previous owner just left the gas tank to rust and every time he'd start it that rust would go through the...